Mon 27 Jan
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💋 💋 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 22 ys College Student __ Real pic ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💋 💋 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 23
(Portland, Portland Downtown / Portland)
Gorgeous black haired beauty Needs someone to play with? Come to my place and play with me. - 37
(112th & Sandy Blvd, Portland)
Tight & Just Right!! ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 100% Rεaℓ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ßεαuty ▬▬▬▬▬▬ #1 BEST MASSAGE iN ▀█▀ own - 26
(Portland, (Avail incall ) Safe private parking)
SuP€R Fr€AK¥ 🎀 SuP€R FuN 💋❤️ReAdY tO pLeAsE 💋❤️ask ABOUT my WEEKDAY $pEciAL$!!❤️💋 - 23
(Portland, SE PDX)
RED Hott Love Affair___SeXxY NEW L00K___All NEW PiCs___Back By POPULAR demand!! - 23
(Eugene, *Dt Eugene *Up Scale In Call Only*)
🍓•*•SUPER •*• SWEET •*• AND •*• SEXY •*• EYE •*• KANDI🍓 - 23
(Medford, Medford, Ashland, Grants Pass)
╰ღ╮♛❤ JAW DROPPiNGG😱 UPSCALE • SEXY • Latina • Bombshell★╭ღ╯LETS PLAY💋 - 25
(Eugene, eugene incall/outcall)
Call Me 503-488-5473 &&& Sexy Asian Girl **** Funny Girl Grace **** Outcall Only @@@ - 23
(Portland, Outcall Only)
👑████ ◆♥╚» ( 0NE ) 0F - A -KiND!! ♥«╝ **◆100% REAL◆** ! ❤ NEw &+ AvaiLABle+Sexy ❤◆█████ - 22
(Portland, se incalls)
🎆🌠🌌. Vancouver 🏫😍😙Come experience something real🍑👌😇🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🔥👅😘😘😘 COME SEE ME NOW 😍😘👅 - 21
(Portland, Vancouver I5 hazel dell)
With our Vivid name and your vivid looks, Make $100,000 a year w/o ever getting out of bed! ◄ - 21
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, Work From Home)
🔥🔥Come see what you've been missing🌶🌶 Gorgeous BLONDE🔥🔥Close to PDX 🌶🌶avail til 6pm🌶 - 29
(Ne 83rd and Fremont, Portland)
City Center Spinner ❤️ ❤️ I'm available ❤️ 📍100% real photos! The 1 you been looking 4 - 29
(Portland, Portland, downtown PDX)
* S_ I _ M_ P_ L _ Y * ______ * The *______ B _ E _ S _ T____* session * E _ V _ E _ R ×❤× - 21
(Portland, 175/ SPECIAL)
* * * * * * THICK * * * * SEXY * * * * * * YUMMY BLONDE * * * * * * * * *MUST LOVE CURVES* * * * * - 26
(Portland/ Beaverton/ Hillsboro)
★TrEAT YoUrSeLf To ThiS SmokiN HOT BRuNeTTE!★EXOTIC GrEeN EyEs!❤ ★S.E. iNCaLL & OutCaLLs★ - 27
(Portland, INcaLL&OUTCALL360-356-0264;)
textin/talkin n maybe hangout - w4m - 25
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, everywhere)
★ ▓ StuNNinG BruNeTTe KiTTeN! ☆ *Well-Reviewed* ▓ ★ 100% REAL PICS - 22
((__ STOP HERE! ..... )) __ ☆ _((_ COME B.A.N.G ME _ ))__ _ NEW__ (( _ KINKY S.L.U.T_ )) - 20
(Portland Incall ....)
♡ Southern Comfort Holiday Specials Catch This While U Can♡ NOW Playing! - 26
(Beaverton Incall/Local Outcalls)
Smokin HOT Brunette BOMBSHELL (( Tanasbourne Incall TODAY!!)) Vancouver Tomorrow ((Pre-book Now)) - 26
(Beaverton, Beaverton Tanasbourne Incall)
🎀🎀🎀 Sexy 🎀🎀🎀 Young🎀🎀🎀 Asian Sexy Girl Princess 🎀Magic Touch🎀🎀 503-380-9115🎀🎀 Incall 🎀🎀🎀*** - 21
(Portland, Portland Downtown 503🍒380🍒9115)
*-*SoMeThInG YoU HaVe To ExPiReNcE*-* SeXy ThIcK All NaTuRaL BruneTTe* -* NEW PICS! GrEaT SpEcIaLs!
(SouThEast InCaLL)
((( SPECIAL ))) ********** Smokin HOT Brunette BOMBSHELL ********** ((( SPECIAL ))) - 25
(Lake Oswego, Beaverton Incall)
SEXYLILSARA is back VISITING in Vancouver by popular demand !! Specials 80. 100. - 39
(Portland, exit 28 Vancuver)
SEXY YOUNG** Girl next door** BLONDE or BrUnEtTe** curvy and inexperienced - 22
(Portland, Portland by the airport)
Sexy Native Hawiian EyeCandy.. Father's Day Catering 💋🙌 - 19
(Portland, Milwaukie/Clackamas/Portland)
★SiMPLy AMAZiNG* ★)) •:.•★•:.• SEXY •:.•★•:.• BUSTY LATINA •:.•★♛ *:•.♥ ;•:*• - 23
(Portland, Airport Area)
.......... ......... Shall we connect on a "much" deeper level? ........... .............. .......
(SW-Waterfront area)
SexyLILSara is in VANCOUVER.. WANNA .. 100. specials incall ONLY (mill plain) - 40
(Portland, VANCOUVER..(Mill Plain))
**Sexy Exotic Beauty**60rose Car Fun!! hh130**5'1 34DD's**Plump Lips!!! - 28
(Portland, Vancouver/pdx)
{} {} {} {} Sexy Cutie with Luscious Big Tits {} {} {} {} Specials 2day only!!! - 22
(Incall in Beaverton)
Sexy Curvy Latina___ Now Available__ Specials _ CALL NOW - 21
(Portland, Portland Incall Beaverton Tigard Outcall)
SeXy Blonde °o♥o° AddiCtiNG Booty °o ♥o° GeNtLeMaN's #1 ChOiCe °o♥o° - 25
(Portland, 205 MILL PLAIN)
🎀💅💋Sexy Mixed Brazilian Limited Time Gresham Incall♥️💯💄🌺 - 23
(Portland, Gresham/Portland/Surrounding Areas)
░*❤.SEXY ASIAN GIRL❤.░ YaYa .❤*░* 503-442-9077.❤* ░*❤. Call Now - 26
(Portland, Tigard / Beaverton / Portland)
_______ Sexy ✅ ________ Skillful ✅ _______Knockout Body ✅ ____ You'll Beg For More!!! - 23
(Portland, Portland, Gresham Incall/Out)