Mon 27 Jan
Youll Leave Feeling Like You Went On A Vacation!! Call Me... - 20
(Portland, Gresham/downtown/Beaverton/Portland)
x [ EVERYTHING ] x ———— x [ Y0U'VE ] x ———— x [ WANTED ] x ———— & ———— x [ MORE ] x ———— - 23
(Portland, Outcalls All Area's)
YOUR * BEST * ChOiCe * FiLLiPiNA BEAUTY 100$ sPeCiALs Available NoW - 22
(near convention center incalls)
*XOXO**XOXOXO * A-V-A-L-A-B-L-E *N-O-W * C-U-M - * G-E-T * M-E *24/7 *XOXOX* *XOXO** - 21
ThE BeAuTy YoU DeSiRe WiTh ThE SkiLLs YoU ReQuiRe SeXy CoLLeGe BuNNy - 21
(Downtown Pdx Upscale Incall, Outcall Too)
((T.G.I.F.)) OutCall & INCALL Specials!! Let's Start This Weekend Off Right With A B@NG!!🔥 - 21
(Portland, INCALL / outcall PDX)
(((*_________* Taste So Good make a Grown Man Cry...1OO SPECIAL Incall ONLY *_________*))) - 26
(Portland, Southeast Portland off the I2O5)
Tall Ginger Experience~6ft Redhead! Leaving at checkout! special until 1pm!! - 37
~*~ TaLL & SeXXy BlOnDe PlAyMaTe ~ 1OO O/C Special ~ INcall / OUTcall ~ - 28
(Portland, Vancouver Portland Longview Kelso)
sweet brunette treat round booty cutie 60$ half hour special incall only - 22
(Portland, se portland incall , outcall everywhere)
*~ Taylor *~ Sexy *~ Seductive *~ Satisfying *~ Beautiful ~ * 100 Specials * - 36
(Eugene, Eugene & surrounding areas)
Sweetheart ~*~ SOFT HUGE!! 36i's ~*~ GREAT curves!! ~ Well Reviewed ~ Fun ~ Mature ~ Sensual - 37
(Portland, Beaverton - Incall Only)
❤️ ❤️✖️THE SWEET LITTLE GIRL NEXT DOOR ✖️❤️⬛️ BOOK NOW❤️ ALL DAY& NIGHT❤️ 100% real! ✖️❤️⬛️ 24/7 - 23
:-) :-) ☆☆♡♡*THE Blonde Blue-Eyed Girl Next-Door!!♡♡☆☆TNA REVIEWED!!!! :-) :-) - 29
(Beaverton/Hillsboro/Portland Metro Area, Portland)
::°•°:: THE ONE YOU'VE °•°•°BEEN WAITING °•°•° FOR!!! ::°•°:: $80 special :) - 21
(Portland, 181st stark pdx)
The good thing about chocolate delight: it melts in your mouth not in your hands... 36DD's
The Most ORGASMIC & SEXiest! UR mouth waters U DRIP I'M stretched out on my bed - 29
(Portland, Discreet Residential SE Incall W/ac)
__▄ █ ☆█•: ▄___ ((( •♥• THANKSGIVING SPECIALS BEAUTIFUL LATINA MIXX •♥• ))) ___▄ █ ☆█•: ▄___ - 19
(Southeast Portland, SE PORTLAND/CLACKAMAS)
🌹🌹🌹 *** Tequila•Rose *** 🌹🌹{{{ Tequila•Rose }}} 🌹🌹 ((( TEQUILA ))) (((ROSE )))🌹🌹🌹 - 25
(Portland, Outcall)
💋Take A trip ✈✈2 MY playground Elite Mixed Ebony awaits your company - 33
(Portland, Vancouver incall / out call pdx surround)
TaKe a LooK aT THeSe NaTuRaL 38EEE!!! GuaRaNTeeD To PLeaSe!!!! ♥ 75 Special Tonight!! - 26
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
☆ ☆ Sweet Petite Cutie ☆ ☆ One of A Kind ☆ ☆ $pecials - 29
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas Outcalls)
------ ----- ----> SWEET Incall ..... ... Flawless Local ** TiGHt ...4 Kings ONLY ..
(Portland In/Outcall)
(Sweet n Petite) Back in Town (Highly Reviewed) Available Now (Specials) BLONDE - 23
(Portland in Or Out)
!*★* TaStY*♡* EyE CaNdY*★ SiMpLy THE BesT *★ EbOnY CuTiE* 100% Real Pic - 21
(se portland/incall/outcall)
Taste | Touch | Smell | Hear | See |~ for yourself why it's so good!!! ~ (YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID!! - 27
(Portland, **incall & out** (S.E. INCALL SPECIAL))
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T_H_E_ _B_E_S_T_ »»(ON)«« __T_H_E _ P_A_G_E - 23
(Downtown Portland Upscale Location! @ @)
▆▓▓❤ ▓▓▆▃ 👠💋 💄 Sweet Angie. / Always Exceed your Expectation -▃▆▓▓ ❤out call∈ call - 22
(Portland, Portland Next Downtown)
SUPER pretty THAILAND girl JENNY just coming to you ,5'0"tall 98LBS 36B - 22
(Portland, SE portland ,205FWY in/outcall)
sweet sexy busty brunette outcall special 100$ incall special 80$ - 21
(Portland, portland, beaverton, lake oswego, vancou)
♥ SuPeR SeXy ♥ ||* __ * || 36DD Hottie ||* __ * || WiTh The Perfect BODY Touch ♥ - 30
(Portland, in-call/out-call)
-:¦:- ♛ -:¦:- T H _P R F C T_C H O I C -:¦:- ♛ -:¦:- - - 24
(Portland, Vancouver, WA)
T_h_E_ _(¯`v´¯)-» P_e_R_f_E_c_T_ _(¯`v´¯)-» p_L_a_Y _m_a_T_e **Last Nite In Town** - 21
(Your Place or Mine ;) Don't wait...)
Super Sexy ..... Flawless Figure ......Sweet Personality ...... Excellent REVIEWS........ - 25
(Portland, Portland, VANCOUVER, Longview)
[[STUNNiNG]] ★ [[EXOTIC] ★ [[PETiTE STAR ]] (100) SPECiALS! !% 2 DaYs LeFt - 22
(Portland, U COME 2 ME SPECIALS!!!)
🚫 Stop!! Look No Further.. Bella here To FulFill Your Erotic Fantasies!!! 503 567 6101 Call Me Now - 26
(Portland, Rockwood Gresham area)