Thu 02 Jan
Was Nicholas Kristof's Story About an Underage Prostitute Peddled on 'Concocted'? - 21
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, everywhere)
VICTORIA*** New Pics**New Reviews** Sexiest Blonde In Portland! - 27
(Portland OR My Place Or Yours)
~*~*~ UP ALL NITE ~ AT YOUR REQUEST ~*~*~ JUST FOR YOU ???*~*~ ~*~*~*~ *~ *~* - - 25
(Portland, Portland Outcall all areas / vancouver)
TWO ASIAN girls JAPANESE YUMI and COCO 5'0"tall 98LBS 36C natural skinny short and sexy body - 27
(Portland, portland 205/ DUKE st incall)
💋🔥 Vancouver IC⭐️⭐️ Tiny REDHEAD B A R B I E❤️😝 - 23
(Portland, VANCOUVER IC (i205/MILLPLAIN )till 8pm!)
:*¨¨*:•★ WARNING °o★©•° ❀EXTREMELY °•★©•° ADDICTIVE★ •:*¨¨*:•.Within the hr SPeCIals*¨¨*:•★ - 28
(Gresham, Gresham incall..OUTCALL AVAIL....)
🎀💕💋uLTiMaTe PLeaSuRe PRoViDeR! ELiTe CoMpaNioNsHiP💲💯SPeCiaL💕🎀💋 - 24
(Portland, 206👑578👑6283 IN&OUT; CALLS)
*Top Notch, Flexible .. Good as it gets SNOWBUNNY, Amazing Sexi Lexi* - 19
(Portland, Downtown/Portland area)