Mon 27 Jan
Sexy & Sane Explorations ~ FBST - Prostate Attention - Toys - Sensual Relaxation - Taboo Play ~ - 40
(Northwest Portland, NW / DT Portland)
❤36DD 💖Bombshell ❤UNRUSHED💖 Sweet & Discreet ❤Hotel OUTCALL ❤Private SE PDX InCall💗 - 32
(Portland, se. pdxIncall /outcall to your Upscale)
$100 full HOUR:: sensual && seductive NUDE body rub:: mutual touching:: ask about my special treat 💋 - 23
Sat 11 Jan
😻Erotic🙆RubdoWNs😋Sexy🍓 ƇϋƤʗαƙεƨ 🍓&🍓ʜ∊ɾsᏲ∊ÿ 🍓 ҡϊss 🍓 ɴϊ℘℘ƪཇى - 26
(Inside of me is where you want to be, Portland)
Fri 10 Jan
_______ _______ _______ * Heidi * Gates * _______ _______ _______ ______Upscale *SeXy!* Body Rubs... - 25
(Service to YOUR HOTEL ROOM Tonite!)
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Satisfying and Unrushed Time With a Sexy Woman
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, City Location)
REAL GiRL =========== >>> BAiLY! ======= >>> HoT& FRiENDLY =====>>> BUSTY BLONDE with BiG SKiLLS ;) - 25
(Portland, (((((((( YOUR HOTEL ROOM ))))))))))
Mon 06 Jan
The Girl of your dreams... No one leaves unhappy or your next body rub is free!!! - 23
* Now in AIRPORT AREA! *~* P * L * E * A * S * U * R * E * Deep Tissue RUBDOWN!! NE PORTLAND Tonite - 35
Sun 05 Jan
✪✪ L_E_T_ ✪ _M_E_ ✪ _T_A_K_E _ ✪ _Y_O_U_R_ ✪ _B_R_E_A_T_H_ ✪ _A_W_A_Y ✪✪ 100$$$ - 25
(Portland, pdx)
Sat 04 Jan
Thu 02 Jan