Mon 27 Jan
{120 SPECIAL} A sweet little treat! 💋👙 UP ALL NIGHT ready 2 play! 👙💦 ✨___~ 💋 Don't miss - 21
(Portland, Portland/Beaverton/Vancouver)
2 Girl Special ♥ Private Vancouver I/C off 205 & Millplain ♥ Lets Party - 20
(Portland, private vancouver I/C off 205 &millplain;)
++++ 19- Unforgetably Fun - Sexy Smile, Cute Dimples & Doing EVERYTHING she wont do!!! ++++19- - 19
(vancouver, portland area)
💎100%ME bEsT In tOwN *•-:☆:-•* TayTay *•-:☆:-•* PETITE •-:☆:-• BrUnEtTe •-:☆:-•SpaNiSH MiXeD MaMi☆★ - 23
(Portland, PORTLAND OR Incall)
•$100hr ••••• I'll come to you ! ----- outcall - 32
(Portland, Vancouver portland gresham beaverton)
_ _ _ _◘█◘ _ _ $100hr outcalls _ _ ◘█◘ _ _ _ _ - 31
(Portland, Vancouver Portland Gresham Beaverton)
(100hh I/c) Classic,Rare,Refined BLONDE BOMBSHELL with ALL NATURAL DANGEROUS addictive curves! - 38
(Portland, Portland and surrounding)
[ 1OO% REAL ] ______ { B u s t y } _____ [MIXED] _____ [ S p e c i a l s ] ____ {E xo t i c Barbie} - 21
(Portland, Portland && Surrounding (READY NOW))
-:¦:- 5 §TÅR CÕMPÅN!ÕN ..-:¦:- UNbLIVÅBL WT -:¦:- HERE til Wed. SPECIALS TIL 11 AM - 20
2 Smoking Hot Blue Eyed Blonde Texas Cowgirls Ready for a Wild Ride - 25
(Portland, Convention Center Portland)
...100% real/recent photos or its Free !!!! latin BomBsHeLL 206 489.8402 caLL TODAY - 21
(Portland, beaverton incall/outcall everywhere)
**** 100% AddicTing && SaTisfying BruNetTE ***** 24/7 specialz! . . 503-505-8932 - 24
(Portland, Portland/Gresham/Clackamas/Vancouver)
**100% real & authentic** Super Specials 120/180** Wet Hot Brunette - 20
(Portland Outcalls (vanc too))
~ ~ ~ ~ 100 IN-CALL SPECIAL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DrOp DeAd GoRgEoUs BLOND .... classy, fun and sweet as a PEACH - 26
(in-call/convention center)
100$ incall special❌⚪❌⭕ WiTH◯UT ★A🌟 D◯UBT ❌⚪❌⭕ SEXY ★🌟G◯NE ★WiLD ❌⭕❌⚪ D◯NT ★MiSS 🌟◯UT ❌⚪❌⭕ - 25
(Incall outcall everywhere, Portland)
100% R E A L ~ B U S T Y ! Bring Over A Bottle Of Wine Have Your Way With Me! - 28
_____ _______ _______ _______ 100% HOTTIE ____ ______ ______ ______ ____ ____ - 23
100 Leaving spcl ☆ ☆ ★SUPER Fr∈AⓚY★☆ BEAVERTON IC ONLY 4 THE NIGHT!! ☆ 100 Leaving Spcl ☆ - 21
(Portland, Beaverton HWY26 Incall (100spcl))
$100 ☆ i'M (( yOuR )) #1 ChOiCe ☆ ☆ (( NaUghTiEsT )) pLaYmAtE ☆ $100 - 22
(Portland, Beaverton, Gresham, Vancouver, Salem)
⚽🔴$100 $100 $100 ⚽5037659147🔴⚽ ★ Portland Asian Escort ★ 🔴⚽🔴 Downtown in/out 24/7⚽🔴⚽⚽ - 23
(Portland, Portland downtown 1 on 1)
💦💦💦 100% REAL A+ curvy COMPANION 💦💦💦 Amazing reviews... Come see why🏆 CLEAN PRIVATE sw INCALL🏡 - 29
(Portland, Tualatin /LakeOswego/Wilsonville INCALL)
★ · $100-SPECIAL · ★ · $100- SPECIAL · ★ · $100-SPECIAL · ★ - 25
(Portland, pdx portland airport area)
**~~**~~**~~** OUT in the SUN for some FUN with HOT ASIAN **~~**~~**~~ - 35
(Portland, SE 102nd Washington)
TOPLESS BARBERING... 1 & ONLY in Portland;) Now scheduling!! Call today for your appointment! - 32
(Portland, NE PORTLAND/ Private location)
Are You a Mature Woman, Experienced Body Rub Provider Who Needs More Clients? - 25
(Portland, Portland and all of the surrounding area)
Established, Upscale Woman owned and operated escort agency seeking new ladies !!! - 30
(Portland, nyc,dc,va)
No Commitment...No Experience Necessary.....No Scams....No Weekends...Paid Cash Up to $800 Daily... - 28
(Portland, USA)
((((( ♥ ))))) After Dark Referrals Of Portland Is HIRING ESCORTS TODAY! ((((( ♥ ))))) - 37
(Portland, Portland, OR)
N_A_U_G_H_T_Y *~* L_I_T_T_L_E *~* S_E_C _R_E_T *~* 1_O_O_% *~* Real! 120 special!!! - 26
(Portland, pdx/portland in call)
♥☆♥*★█▒█★❤★█▒█❤ NEW GIRL♥☆♥*★█▒█★❤★█▒█❤ China Black█▒█❤ Visiting♥☆♥*★█▒█★❤★█▒█❤ 24/7♥☆♥ - 29
Sexual enhancement right now! - 23
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Right here, Roseburg, Salem)
~☎~ ☎RinG ! Call NOW!! ☎RinG! (ADDICTIVE ASIAN) S- K -i->L-LS! 100% Natural 36c ☎ - - 25
🏈💋 PRE GAME SCRIMMAGE #teamKandi...Can you HIT IT straight up the middle like a RUNNING BACK?💋🏈 - 24
(Portland, INSIDE ME... Sooo JUICY!)
$$$pecial$$$ 80 donation 4 half hr..... $150$ p/hr. discreet encounters and aval 24/7 - 36
(Portland, vancouvef/ pdx area)
💖 Satisfying 💞 PETITE & SWEET 💞 NAUGHTY & NICE 💖 Available ALL EVENING long 🌗 - 31
(Portland, Your place/Outcall)
Japanese, Native American, Caucasian! Young hottie girl next door $130 $80 - 24
(Portland, 160 SE Stark)
Call Me 503-488-5473 &&& Sexy Asian Girl **** Funny Girl Grace **** Outcall Only @@@ - 23
(Portland, Outcall Only)
Naughty Nigerian As fine, as wine..... Your wish is SIMPLY my Command. Ask me about my specials???? - 22
(Portland, SE, NE & DOWNTOWN Portland)