Mon 27 Jan
Established, Upscale Woman owned and operated escort agency seeking new ladies !!! - 30
(Portland, nyc,dc,va)
######## Outcall Only Call ME 971-322-0229 ~~~~~ Sexy Asian Girl Joyce ~~~~~ ##### - 22
(Portland, Outcall Only)
Outcall Only @@@@@@ 503-488-5759 Sweety Lily ~~~~~~ Japanese Friendly & Opoe-minded @@@$#%%%% - 21
(Outcall Only, Portland)
____ $80 incalls ___(Bridgeport Village) _____ ______ _____ ________ - 33
(Portland, lake oswego tualatin (Bridgeport village)
.•*¨¨*•- ¦:-•* YoUr •☆• OwN•☆• SiNfulLy• SwEet☆•TrEat •☆• *•-: :-•*¨¨*• - 20
(Portland, vancouver incall)
°• ♡____. sweet.perky. ...little... SECRET .soft. bubblebutt .____♡ •° - 21
(Portland, Limited Time*Incall(SPECIALS)Outcall)
----- SUPER SPECIALS ----- Open to Find Out More ----- Amazing Duos!!!!! ----- 100 TWO GIRL ----- - 22
(Portland, portland incall/outcall anywhere)
-:¦:- ♛ -:¦:- T H _P R F C T_C H O I C -:¦:- ♛ -:¦:- - - 24
(Portland, Vancouver, WA)
SUNDAYfunDay🎵Double NaughTY TROUBLE 2x Hotties:330:239:8801 - 100
(Klamath Falls, Klamath Falls Or💕HIGHWAY 97💋)
⭐ Special $$100hr💜💋ExoTiC, EroTiC, SweeT & SeDuctivE GirL NexT DooR!!💜 - 29
(PDX, Gresham, Beaverton and surrounding, Portland)
Still here BABY your Bubble Booty cutie available check me out asap - 22
(Portland, Portland//surrounding areas)
So MaNy choses But None like ME GiGANTiC TiTs & SWEET JUiCY LiPs So SoFt & K.¡.§.§.A.B.L.€ - 30
(Portland, airport, 82nd Vancouver)
Sun 12 Jan
♥️♥️ I might take ur heart after I take u to the moon & back ♥️♥️♥️♥️ let's hang ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ - 24
available 24/7 HIGHLY RECOMMENDED top notch Lady 💦💦💦❤❤✋✋ call me now - 22
(Portland, Vancouver portland)
►❤ WEDNESDAY Hot Body & BIG TITS!! Blonde Escort That Loves EROTIC PLAY ❤◀ VISITING Portland NOW!! ▓ - 23
(Portland, Downtown PDX * Pearl District * Incall)
Sat 11 Jan
My CURVES will leave you hypnotized💋, My SKILLS will have YOU ADDICTED! 2 days only! - 26
(Anywhere YOU are...Your Bed😘 Hillsboro, Portland)
:★: (( EXOTiC )) ★ (( SOPhiSTiCATED )) ★ (( EBoNY )) ★ LET ME SHOW OFF MY SkiLLS ★ - 21
(Portland, $100 incall/outcall)
– e x o t i c h o t t i e —💋 available now! 100% P l e a s u r e — o u t c a l l s - 21
(Portland, sw. nw. pdx. hillsboro. vancouver.)
Tired of the local and out of date pictures? 100% RECENT SELFIE PICS 💋 I'AM THE REAL DEAL by FAR☝ - 24
♥° ♡ . So Sweet .____ So SeXy .____ So Fun. ___So ReaL. ____TgirL 4U ♡ °♥ - 23
(Tigard, . . . Tigard ★)
~ 1OO SpEcIaL ~ BuStY BlOnDe PlAyMaTe ~ AvAiLaBLe All TiMe ~ 1OO ~ - 28
(Portland, vanc/pdx/lv/kelso/chehalis)
💦💕👑 THE PERFECT tReaT🍭💋 [[Click me]]👑 Try ME💋 ENJOY💋{_ME_}👑 ❌⭕️❤️ - 24
(Portland, troutdale Tigard Portland Gresham outcal)
💋❤SweeT & BUSTY ❤ EXoTic ♥ FaCe Of An AnGeL 🌌 ♥ TOUCH oF A GoDDess ♥ 💋 - 26
(Medford, Medford & surrounding cities in/out call)
💎Your favorite Spicy Latina Caucasian is back❤Estoy lista para ti🍒80$ incall specials available 💎 - 24
(Portland, In&OC; Hillsboro tigard pdx surrounding)
★°°• WHaTeVeR • iT °•reQuIReS __ I'LL •DEliVeR °°• yOUr DeSIres •°°•★ PeTitE AnD BrAnD NeW!! •°°•★ - 20
(Portland, ☆•Lloyd Center / Upscale Incall•★)
•- :¦:- • : ° C° L°A° S ° S ° Y ° •:¦:• & :¦:-• ° H ° O ° T ° • -:¦ :- • ° ° B ° L ° O ° N ° D ° E - 22
(Portland, Portland incalls only :))
Tiny Body BIG ASS !!!, 🍦TNA VERIFIED💋🍦(503)360-0449 📲 text/call Jamie 💐 100 hour x2🍒 specials - 23
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
L O O K=====> SuPeR * SwEEt * __ &__* SeXy *______* pETiTe *_______ ♥ ModEl ♥ ! - 19
(VISITING_❀_PDX airport)
~~I am SoOo HoT aNd Ready tO RoCk YoUr WorlD~~ $80 SpeCials~CoMe and Get Me!!!!~~ - 22
(Portland, pdx)
Fri 10 Jan
&&&&&&&&& Outcall Only 503-488-5473 &&&&&&&&& -(***)- Sensual Asian Girl Jenny -(***)- - 21
(Portland, Outcall Only)
(*-..-*) UnFoRg€TtAbL€ Pl£@SuR€(*-..-*) Fr£nCh & Bl@cK B£@uTy £xpL0r€ B0tH SiD£ - 21
(Portland, all area)
♥♥♥♥♥ Open-minded ♥♥♥♥♥ 503-869-3670 ♥♥♥♥♥ ASIAN ♥♥♥♥♥ Petite ♥♥♥♥♥ ☎ Call Me Now ☎ - 21
(downtown Portland, Portland)
L_E_T_ °o;o° _M_E_ °o;o° _T_A_K_E _ °o;o° _Y_O_U_R_ °o;o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o;o° _A_W_A_Y - - 25
Have Some Patience Now, Sexy Blonde with Blue Eyes! Can You Handle Me!! - 33
(Portland, P.D.X./Beaverton/V.W. Surrounding Areas)
dammm that girl got booty!! Incall & out call 60 QV 100 HH 200 FH Specials!!! - 23
(Portland, Vancouver incall)
TOP LEVEL COMPANIONS Of South Florida NOW HIRING Best Splits {80-20} $300-$500 Hour! A Place To Live - 35
(Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Portland)
★★★ ★ ¥uMM¥ ¥uMM¥ * (=ADDICTIVE=CuTiE) * •••►BaCk iN ToWn!•••► AMAZ¡NG SK¡LL$ ◄Up All NiGht! - 22
(Eugene, Springfield Incall-Outcall)
Like I said Before *:❊:**** NO ONE -:¦:-DOES iT -:¦:- LiKE Ms. RuPEE$ *:❊:**** - 25
(Portland, *:❊:* My Bed ((Wink-Wink!))*:❊:*)
UP LATE IN THE LAKE OSWEGO★❤★❤Fine Babe With A Great Body Ready For You Now❤★❤★100hh special - 20
(Portland, Lake Oswego Incall ONLY)
The Cougar is back👅With Amazing Tongue & Mouth Skills ❤👄 Affectionate, and Attentive - 51
(Portland, Ne / Se Portland)
————— ——————————— ♥ E X O T I C . P E T I T.E . A S I A N. .P L A Y M A T E♥ ————— ———————— - 23
(Portland, 24/7 ♥ incall)