Mon 27 Jan
✈✈♥ TAKE A LOOK!!♥EbOnY BoMbShELL♥ WeLL ReViEwEd & DiScREEt •••>C@LL ThE BeSt NoW!! - 25
=== SUPER BUSTY asian MALAYSIAN skinny jennifer 38F+ NATURAL body 5'1"tall 92LB - 27
(Portland, SE portland 205 FWY in/outcall)
💋🍒💗 SweeT Petite Treat SexY Openminded &Tons; of fun! HoT HoT HoT! No Drama REAL Pics! 💗🍒💋 - 24
*Start your day out right with a DDs latina mix $500 8 hr specials (Incall weekends) Love to plz* - 30
(Portland, Your bed)
Stunning Brunette Beauty ..... Dazzling Blue Eyez ..... 99 Special ...Ready Right Now - 23
(Portland, Pdx.van.beav.hills.Outcall only)
【STOP SCROLLING】7O.15MINS 【Super I/C Specials 】1OO.30MINS【NO CLoCkWatChInG】17O.6OMINS 【971.703.0819】 - 27
(I-205 STARK ST (MALL 205 AREA ), Portland)
ღ__ SPECiALS!!!__ ღ__ SPECiALS!!!__ ღ__ SPECiALS!!!__ ღ || ASiAN bEAUTy || - 19
(Portland, Pdx/ SE portland)
: : ✘✘✘ SPECIALS✘✘✘ : : 'SmoKiN' HoTT bRuNeTTe: :«» ( (=$100 eArLy BiRd SpeCiaLs!=) ) incall : : - 27
(inCaLL by LLoyD cNtR 9713021343, Portland)
(Specials) 💔 DON'T MISS the SEXY, Lovely Alaira 💔 Highly ADDICTING Upscale COMPANION 💔 (Specials) - 27
(Beaverton, BEAVERTON ★ Discreet Incall 《CALL NOW!》)
SUPER BUSTY nice asian JENIFFER just comes back to you 38D+ 90LBS 5'01"tall very skinny - 27
(Portland, SE portland ,205FWY in/outcall)
SPECiALS!! °°*☆ ( =NEW __ ★ __ iN __ ★ __ =TOWN_ )°°*☆ *LEAViNG SOON* - 21
[S][T][0][P] L●●●K ✔ ✨PORTLANDS FINEST✨] (( ♥MiX3D♥)) Ex♥TiC CaRaMeL B♥MBSHELL - 23
(Portland, Incalls (greasham) outcalls (everywhere))
:-)💋💘❤❤❤ specail $100$ specail hot young sexy blonde waiting to satisfy you❤❤❤💘💋 :-) - 19
(Portland, Portland , Portland airport,Gresham)
Specializing in Late Nights and Early Mornings - 30
(Portland, portland/vancouver & surrounding cities)
^ *^ *^* ^* ^* SexY, SweeT & YummY "StraWBerrY ShorTCakE" FoR YoU!! ^* ^* ^*^* ^*^ * ^ *^* ^* ^ *^ * - 28
~ Sinfully Sexy Specials!! ~ Busty Blond Bombshell ~ New Pics! ~ - 45
(Portland, portland/vancouver, Tigard)
Mon 13 Jan
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =☛ PICTURE PERFECT PLAYMATE ☚= = = = = = = = = = = = = - 24
(Portland Airport Incall and Outcalls Too)
$ No Games An No Gimmicks 100% Real Service $ Hi Guys Im SeXi Stacy!! - 21
(Portland, Portland, Incalls & Outcalls)
Sun 12 Jan
xXx ___ NaUgHtY LiL BrUnEtTe BuNnY ___ xXx ___ FiRsT ClAsS PlAyMaTe... Im A 10!! ___ xXx - 21
(Upscale PDX Incall, Outcall Too!)
----^----^ What You See Is What you Get ----^----^ Reviewed $80 incall specials - 27
(Portland, Portland in/outcalls anywhere)
nice asian LINDA sweet 4'10"tall 36B 102lbs very skinny body with smile face ..... - 26
(Portland, 205FWYexit foster in/outcall)
[[[[ 100 INCALL SPECIAL ]]]] ________ Ex Gymanst ________ [[REAL PIX]] - 30
(Portland, incall near Conv. Ctr./Outcalls)
☆ ¨*:Bosnian BOMBSHELL ❤'s OLDER men! Let's go to Victoria Secret!:* ☆ - 23
(Portland, SE Portland/Gresham)
✓【CєRτíFíєD FRєαK】 ✓KiLLєR CuRvEs ✓【huGє bѺѺb's】 ✓【cUτє FαCє】✓spaNKaBlE αZZ* - 24
(Portland, ~My BED or URS sweet vanilla cream~)
EvErYtHiNg ____ YoU ____ DeSiRe____ Is ____ RiGhT ____ HeRe!!! ----->> °·° INCALL SPECIALS °·° - 28
[•★• ]M a i n•°°• A t t r a c t i o n [•★•]New Busty Blonde Visiting for short time. $100 special - 23
(Salem, salem incalls)
★TrEAT YoUrSeLf To ThiS SmokiN HOT BRuNeTTE!★EXOTIC GrEeN EyEs!❤ ★Incall se 92nd SPeCiALS * ★ - 27
(Portland, SE portland **SPECIALS**)
I'm BAK__ You웃 + Me유 = __ FR0NT+ BaK, _0R _ Even SiDE 2 SiDE _ {*NeW PiX* } - 23
(★ 205-Mil Plain ★)
I was taught not to give up until the job is done, in other words it's not over until you say - 46
(Portland, Wilsonville area for incalls)
Sat 11 Jan
******* Call Me 503-488-5473 Outcall &&&&& Friendly & Busty Asian Girl Helen ****#$%%%% - 21
(Outcall Only, Portland)
Guess Who's Back On This Sunny Day For Super $80 FH SPECIAL !!! - 23
(Portland and Surrounding areas)
$100!! a TRUE fantasy! ·|· ASK ABOUT SPECIALS - 24
(Portland, convention center, portland, Beaverton)
THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS 2 extremely HOT EXOTIC BABES - ** 2 girl * specials * - 25
(Portland, -OUTCALL DT PDX)
Play Time Boys!!!!! (( WHO WANTS FUNN )). Busty✅Adorable ✅ Unrushed ✅ NEW YEARS SPECIAL - 25
(Outcalls Let's bring in the new year, Portland)
♥♥♥♥ Enhancements ..... BIKNI Time ....... Reviewed ♥♥♥♥ - 22
(Portland, OUTCALL and airport area INCALL)
*~*~*~*~* Beautiful Asian Girl Jamie With 971-322-0228 *~*~*~*~* Outcall Only - 24
(Portland, Outcall Only)
$200 multi pop ⬅ NEW PICS ➡ Tattooed ╠╣0T! Blonde ⬅ BEST M0UTH SK!LLS ➡ Supa Freak ⬅➡ I ❤ Fetishes - 30
(Portland, ★ INCALL & OUTCALLS)
💕💋 100hh specials 💋💕 Beaverton incall 💕 Unrushed 💕Real ❤️ super soaker ❤️ - 28
(Beaverton incall, Portland)
»-♥con requesón rollos {or} pliegues de grasa nalgas inyección's implante's. ♥-» - - 23
~ 120 Outcall Only Special! ~Portland's Hottest MILF ~ Specials! ~ New Pics! ~ - 46
$100 $pecial >>> Don't mi$$ ME when I'm gOne! $$100hr $pecial - 27
(Portland, vancouver mall area/incall only)
(((( Hot NEW Pics )))) ¤ (((( Perky DDS / TINY Waist / Bubble Butt )))) - 30
(Portland, Incall by PDX ¤ Outcall to All Areas)
~*~ (( HOT BRunEtte BOMbshell )) VEry Sexy And OPen MINDed ** LEt"SPLay $100 Special !! - 19
(Portland, pdx)
Fri 10 Jan