Sun 12 Jan
[[ White&Native; Princess ]] ~~ Truly Extraordinary ~~ [[ A+ Skills & A+ Personality ]] - 21
(Portland, Beaverton IC)
🎀HAPPY WEDNESDAY🎀Im Exactly What You Need🍒Sweet Busty Babe💕Dont Wait Any Longer❤ - 25
(Portland, Vancouver)
★☆★☆★ E X O T I C ♥♥♥ DOMINICAN ♥♥Available NOW🎀 100 SPECIALS🎀 - 22
(Airport INCALLS SPECIALS 100, Portland)
~~Cute and Pretty~~ Japanese Asian Girl~~ Short Time Visit~~ In/ Out calls** Real Pic Inside~~ - 29
(¯`★´¯) Classy (¯`★´¯) Sexy (¯`★´¯) Italian Bombshell (¯`★´¯) - 24
(Portland (PDX) Incall/outcall)
•*¨¨*•-:¦:Cert ified&* Over! Qualified*• -•* ADDICTION• UNRUSHED 150 incall spec. call me!!!!! - 23
(Portland, Anywhere)
Classic,Rare,Refined BLONDE BOMBSHELL with ALL NATURAL DANGEROUS addictive curves! - 38
(Beav, port, vanc, Portland)
Come grab a beer, get a cut & see what Im showing off... NEW PICS!! TOPLESS BARBER, SEXY &FUN;! - 33
(Portland, Tualatin/Private location)
💋🎀💕pRoFeSSioNaL DiScReTe uLTiMaTe PLeaSuRe PRoViDeR eLiTe CoMpaNionsHip💋🎀💕 - 24
(Portland, 206👑578👑6283 Vancouver IN&OUT; calls)
&&&&& Outcall Only 971-322-0228 &&&&& Japanese Sexy Amy &&&&& Beautiful Girl - 23
(Portland, Outcall Only)
New ☆★☆★☆ E ◇X ◆O◇ T◆ I ◇C ♥ Mexican &&& Brizilian ♡ READY 2 PLAY ♥ Specials ★ - 21
LAST CHANCE , leaving at 1 pm passing through Central Point , Grants Pass , Roseburg 360**809*0272 - 20
(Medford, Medford Incall; Ashland, central point)
New Here Can You Take All Of Me 12ff Party Favors Type Of Girl - 20
(Downtown Portland, Convention center NE portland)
Tonight Only * HOT MAKE OUT SESSION PLUS MORE * Big Nipples * Fiery redhead - 26
(Portland, Vancouver/Portland Outcalls)
Tigard in call✨✨💜✨✨💜✨ New Arrived♥ 36D SO HOT♥ ♥ Sexy Asian BABE♥ NURU & KISSING ✨✨💜✨✨💜✨✨💜✨ - 23
(Portland, Tigard Area)
*´¨`*.¸ ¸. *´¨`*.¸ True Native BEAUTY @ it's Best!!¸.*´ ¨`*.¸ ¸.*´¨`*.¸¸ - 26
(Portland, portland(lloyd center down town) outcall)
* * * * * * * * * THICK * * * * * * * YUMMY BLONDE * * * * * * * * * * CURVY TREAT! * * * * * - 26
(portland/ van)
TOP ASIAN ▃▃▃ SEXY ▃▃▃ 🍀🍀 503-442-9077 🍀🍀 ▃▃▃ Beaverton ▃▃▃ INCALL ▃▃▃ JENNY - 23
(Beaverton / Portland / Tigard, Portland)
Kinky Seductive College Girl with All the Right Moves ;) - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In your arms ;))
Hot, sexy blonde bombshell with addicting curves! 100hhi/c DOWNTOWN special *website is back up* - 37
(Portland, downtown Portland and surrounding areas)
???? How Long Will You Last????? outcall incall special - 28
(Portland & Surrounding /incall&outcall;)
🌟🔥✨💙 HoT BlonDe Spinner💙✨🔥💫💜 TNA Reviewed �> > HoT➖NaKeD< < 🔥💙Vancouver Incall - 22
(Portland, I-205/ Mill Plain Blvd)
♥ I.. KN◯W.. JUS†.. H◯W.. T◯... MAKє ...Y◯U.. SMϊLє! Lunch Specials - 20
(Portland, Airport Incall 90hh 130fh)
Sat 11 Jan
clean, sexy, brown eyed beauty~ looking for some fun mutually benificial pleasure** - 30
(Portland, kelso/ longview)
PeTiTe & SwEeT* uPsCaLe~ Ebony~ WHaTeVeR iT °rEQuiReS ° ILL DEliVeR °° yOUr DeSirEs - - 25
★Porsche Layne★My Winter Wonderland Awaits! Can I visit your South Pole Santa Baby?★OC 24/7★VISA/MC★ - 29
(Portland, NW Pearl if u want toes to curl 24/7 IC)
PORTLAND🍒 airport 🀰🀰🀰🀰 $100 Spec 🀰🀰 New Arrived 🀰🀰🀰🀰🀰🀰🀰🀰🀰🀰 SexyCurvy 🀰🀰🀰🀰🀰🀰🀰🀰🀰🀰 Best Service 🀰🀰🀰🀰 - 22
(Portland, portland by airport)
** ~ ♥:*¨ PR0m!SeS KePT ::*¨¨*:. ♥ ;:*¨In/OUTcall LaTe NItE SPECIALS ::* ¨* - 22
__ New Years _ B_L_O_W_O_U_T _ Specials! _ 100 _ 100 _ 100 _ _ - 47
★☆★NEW ARRiVAL iN TOWN★☆★ only here for a short stay don't miss out on this blue eyed bombshell - 22
NEW TO TOWN Puerto Rican & Ebony GODDESS $80 specials all night!!!!! - 22
(Salem, market & hawthorne incall out call)
Divine Hedonistic Indulgence***Visiting Today Thru 3/7***How Hot Do You Like It? - 28
(Portland, SW Portland)
(UPSCALE) ** (Sexy) ** (cLaSsY) ** (((BLONDE))) ** (( TWO girl special)) - 23
(Portland, Portland/Surrounding (incall/outcall))
Ukranian Blonde Bombshell and Petite Asian Persuasion!!! Victoria and Asia new to town!! - 23
(Portland, SW Multnomah Blvd)
°•°Two Beautiful Playmates°•° VISITING °•° Best GIRL on GIRL°•° UP LATE - 23
(Portland, °•°VANCOUVER * IN CALL ONLY°•°)
█❄VISITING SALEM!!! 🎀🔥GoRgEoUs ★★★— UPSCALE🚺💞Southern Bell 🔥✨HOTTiE✨ ❄️⭐ - 23
(Salem, Incall Salem/outcall all areas)
♡ PERFECT ➓♡ 1OO☆ Upscαℓε Pℓαγmαtε ☆ρυRε ρℓ℮δυRε & τθρ Qυαℓιτγ ☆ αvαiℓabℓε ☏₵αℓℓ τΗε βεδτ ηθϖ - 25