Mon 27 Jan
🌺SPECIALS ALL WEEK.. Damsel in distress needs a HERO to help her out ☀☀Summer Ray☀☀ Incall only. - 27
(Portland, Vancouver WA)
________ SPECIALS _______ (( G O O D ♀GIRL ★ n a u g h t y ¥ HABITS - 20
(Portland, PDX Incall & Outcall)
SPECIAL!!!! 90min/150!! 2day ONLY! FULL HR of PLAY & MASSAGE OC avail/IC SE - 20
(Portland, portland/beaverton)
SPANiSh»» dELiGhT »»LATiNA /JUiCY» $160» MAMi » »SPECiALS! ! - 23
(dwnt Portland INCALL)
Sometime we wonder what it would be like.. sometimes we just do it! Mistress Mirage Cum Get Some!
(Vancouver Or SE Portland xoxoxo)
so attractive asian TINA student, so petite //so skinny // so short // 34B 95LBS 4'9"tall - 21
(Portland, SE portland 205FWY in/outcall)
💋 S.o S.e.X.y & S.w.E.e.T s.H.e C.a.N.t B.e B.e.A.t 💋 100.00 Special ALL NIGHT 💋 - 27
(Portland, Outcall Everywhere)
## Singapore May ### Hot Hot Sexy Body ### Outcall Only 503-488-5759 ##@#! - 21
(Portland, Outcall Only)
Specials *NEW* °❀°❀ BrEaT╠╣TaKiNg °❀ °❀° ╠╣ E•♥•ART °❀ °❀° RACING🌹 Specials - 24
(Pdx Vancouver Down &Surrounding; outcalls, Portland)
❌SPECIALS❌ Sweet & SEXY Girl Next Door 💖 Lovely Alaira 💖 UNFORGETTABLE Upscale COMPANION ❌SPECIALS!❌ - 27
Specials # GENTLEMAN'S CHOICE # READY• WILLING• &ABLE; ☆•☆Always a Pleaser Never a Teaser. - 30
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas)
💎Soft💦 Pink Lips👄 Ready Now 💎Last Day In Town 🌹TNA Reviewed - 24
(Portland, Portland Airport Incall)
★【SOUTH EAST PDX I/C】★【The Real Deal MyaLove 】★【Caution Major Curves 】★【Lets Make Magic】★ - 27
(I-205 &Stark; st INCALL, Portland)
♡[[ SNEAK ]] ♡♥♡[[ AWAY AND PLAY ]] ♡♥♡ [[WITH A SEXY BLONDE]] ♡♥♡ [[TODAY].] ♡♥♡. Incall specials!! - 18
(Portland, In those jeans...PDX.)
Smoking Hot, Exotic, and Very Addictive
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
SexyLiLSara is looking for a few H*A*R*D,* men " LAST Day here" 80. 100. 180. - 39
(Portland, Se Powell Blvd)
Sexy,Ready, & Waiting 4 You :) SpEcIaLs AvAiLaBlE NoW .!!! 100hh 130fh - 20
(Portland, portland airport incall)
(*.¸ ♡ ¸.*´.) Sexy,Cuban Mix, Ready to PLAY 24/7 ¨`» ¸.*(¸.*´. ♡` *.¸ - 23
(Portland, Beaverton, Hillsboro, Tigard, Oregon Cit)
Sexy Treat To Leave You Weak!! Exotic Goddess ;) Outcalls Only - 20
(Portland, Gresham/Portland/Vancouver/)
*Sexy **Video♡B-L-O-N-D-E ♡ BUSTY♡ BABE♡Mature Gentlemen Only!♢36DD♢ - 26
(Portland, Portland/and surrounding areas)
❤SPECIALS!!❤ Veronica is AVAILABLE NOW and is ready to play!💋 ((UP ALL NIGHT))❌⭕❌⭕ - 22
(Portland, Lake Oswego/Tigard/Tualatin- INCALL)
**SPeCiALS**OUTCALLS ONLY•• The SWEeTeST TRE@T••★Kandi ★ Perfect Choice! - 25
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas)
~~ Specials~~ Specials~~ Hottest Chick On the West side!! ~~tigard ,, lake Oswego - 21
(up late tonight!!)
SpEcIaL♚ᵜ♏ᵜ♏ᵜ '•.¸Thick & misbehaved ♚ Scorpio ♚ Princess¸.•' ᵜ ♏ᵜ♏ᵜ♚ - 23
(Portland, Portland/ Clackamas/ Beaverton)
😜SlimThick! 🍏Juicy Booty🍑 5🌟Experience Guaranteed, 💎KelliKash is Bck 🤑 😍 - 21
(llyod district/ Convention Center, Portland)
•°`°•*•° SiMPLY * ThE * BeST____ *BLuE EyeD BruNETTE*______ ToP* NoTcH* SeRViCe **____ - 33
█▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✿⎛ SEXY ✿⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⎛✿⎛SEXY ⎛✿⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿⎛ SEXY✿⎛▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 25
(Portland, Portland and surrounding areas.)
~ ~ ~ ((( SPECIALS !!!! ))) Call me for a Fun SEXY Time ..... ((( SPECIALS !!! ))) ~ ~ ~ - 22
(In call--SE area. Out call ALL of PDX)
((( SPECIAL ))) ********** Smokin HOT Brunette BOMBSHELL ********** ((( SPECIAL ))) - 25
(Lake Oswego, Beaverton Incall)
*** Soft & Sexy *** Enjoy my delicious touch!! *** Let me be your Dream Girl! *** - 22
(Portland, Vancouver Incall outcall)
Slim, Sexy, & Ready !! For You Baby! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In your arms ;))
### Singapore May ### Hot Hot Sexy Asian Body ### Outcall Only 971-322-0228 ### - 21
(Portland, Outcall Only)
•°`°•*•° SiMPLY * ThE * BeST____ *BLuE* EyED * BLoNDE **____ToP NoTch SeRvIcE**** - 30
(Portland, I -205 SunnySide In&Out; All Night)
Sexy, stunning, blonde or brunette! You choose! 100 2girl special!!!!! ALL DAY&NIGHT; - 22
(Portland, pdx 205&stark;)
SPECIALS●▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩ ● ♥ δωεε† ₰ δε∂υ©†¡√ε___ Nεω ___ εxo†¡© aSiaN ρℓαγ♏α†ε IN BEAVERTON♥ ● ۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬● - 20
(Portland, Pdx Area)
Spec! Spec! ♥ [ H O T ] ••• bombshell ♥□Bubble Booty□♥ Sexx Kitten J.A.M.I.E.♥ Spec! Spec! - 20
(Portland, ღDownTown Incallღ)
Soft skin🍒, kissable lips💋gorgeous face👙and an addictive talent👅Don't miss this SPECIAL 120 TODAY! - 32
(Portland, InCall/ NE Glisan/122nd)
_____• SM0KiNG • H O T T • BoMbSheLL •___ * (( SoOoOo YuMMy )) {{{ Evening Specials!!! }}} - 25
(Portland, Happy Valley / Vancouver/pdx/beaverton/)