Thu 02 Jan
TwO High End Providers Here For YOU "CALL & Secure Your Time Now!!" - 21
(Portland, Out Call Everywhere No Where Is Too Far)
Two lovely ladies specializing in satisfaction. - 22
(Portland, outcall only! pdx & surrounding areas)
🎀💕💋uLTiMaTe PLeaSuRe PRoViDeR! ELiTe CoMpaNioNsHiP💲💯SPeCiaL💕🎀💋 - 24
(Portland, 206👑578👑6283 IN&OUT; CALLS)
Ur Sexy Secert Lover Click Here 2 C The Girl That Can Make Dreams Come True 360 771 1183 CANDY - 23
(Portland, Portland surrounding areas in & outcall)
UP ALL NIGHT!!! Sexy ~*~ Latina ★ Italian ~*~ Beauty ~*~ Ready ~*~ To ~*~ Play
(i/c near pdx o/c surrounding areas)
~*~*~*~*~*~*~* U~L~T~I~M~A~T~E --00-- B~L~O~N~D~E --00-- F~A~N~T~A~S~Y ~*~*~*~*~*~*~* - - 24
🌴🌴 ♥ TROPICAL QUEEN ♥ 🌴🌴 🍌 (($40 🍌 treatment)) 🍌TaLL ❀❀ 42DD ❀❀ BiG n' BeAUtiFUL ❀❀ Exotic - 27
☆ εϰ℘ʟ☺ґℯ True Paradise 100HH ••► ℒʊṧ¢їøʊṧ ℒїρṧ ✞їℊнт & ( Ⓙüї¢¥ ) Hips ◄•• 100HH ℙεґḟε¢т ℬ◎ḓ - 21
(Portland, AIRPORT Incall & Outcall Everywhere)
Tuesday Fun! Beautiful Face & Body! * Best Erotic & Sensual Body Massage/Sliding in Portland! - 28
(Portland, Clackamas Incall/ Portland Hotel Outcall)
*¨¨*-:¦: TUESDAY*-:¦:-* SPECIALS *-:¦:-* THE*¨¨* EARLY -:¦:-BIRD -:¦:- GETS THE GIRL - 20
(Portland, Mall 205)
((TiNy BrAziLiAn )) Late Night SPeciaLLs only tonight The best AIRPORTWAY INCALL specials EVER boys - 20
(Portland, pdx INCALL / outcall specials all night)
V- I- S- I- T- I- N- G || HOT ~n~ T. I. g H. T | tRy Eva TONIgHT $140Hr Specials - 26
(Portland, Tigard IN Out SuRRoundings)
_ ( V i S i T i N G ) _ ExOTiC ____ L a T i N a ___ playmate! ___ *well reviewed* specials!! - 19
(Portland, Convention Center)
💋Unbelievable Experience. 💦💋👑 NOAMI💦💋👑 One Of A Kind Athletic Busty Blue Eyed Sweetheart💋 - 21
(Hillsboro Oregon, Portland)
[ U= N= R= U= S= H= E= D= ] ★ K•!•N•k•Y• ★ EXoT!C• ★ C•u•T•!•E ★ chocolate treat 100 full hour - 22
(Portland, In/out call every where)
★ ULTIMATE! •★• ———• ★ SEXY ★ • ——— EXOTIC———• ★ BEAVERTON Incall Today ★ - 25
(Portland, Beaverton incall/outs)
______________ #❶ ToP CHoiCE ★ ClAsSY ★ BusTY ★ Curvy ★ Party Girl ★Incall ______________ - 22
(Portland, (( Anywhere in Portland )) (( Outcall )))
*Top Notch, Flexible .. Good as it gets SNOWBUNNY, Amazing Sexi Lexi* - 19
(Portland, Downtown/Portland area)
Tightest box in OREGON _______ __________ I_Do_what_SHE_ won't ___________ ________#Guaranteed - 24
(Portland, se Pdx incall)
🔮🔮🔮🔮this blondie with a naughty body🔮🔮🔮🔮$100 treat PLUS duo BONUS!! 🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮 purrrrrrrrr kitty kitty - 23
(Incall Vancouver 205, Portland)
🕐 TicK❢ 🕛 __TicK❢ __💣__ BoOtY & B💥💥B Bonanaza❢_I _WilL_ leave _U _satisfied🍬 Leaving tomorrow! - 24
(Portland, ne portland,parkrose,vancouver,downtown)
((Vancouver Incall)) 100 Specials... The Best Experience ever! HOT Sexy Blonde... Ready For U! - 24
(Portland, Vancouver Incall and outcalls)
★ UPScALe ★ UNrUSHeD ★OnE OF A kind EXoTIC LaTiNA BArBIE ★100%ReAL|♥ - 20
(Portland, portland outcall 24/7)
☆uR #1 FaVoRiTe PLaYMaTe IS BacK! ULTiMaTe CoMpaNioNSHiP eXpeRieNCe ! $ 100 special - 24
(Portland, ▪206▪294▪0353▪ Portland incalls)
UP ALL NIGHT 5 Star Freak !!EXOTIC’‹ SEXY Ready To Play !! - 23
(Portland, Beaverton Area. Outcalls)
UP LATE! Sexy, Attentive, Sweet and Small BBW w/ Gorgeous Mouth & Curvy Hips: TNA-VERIFIED, in/out - 30
(Portland, SE Portland, Southeast Portland)
U***AmaZinG 5 star GiRl *** Your TiMe wOnT BE wAisTed :) !!!CALL NOW SPECIALS!!! - 21
(Northeast Portland, Ne Portland)