Mon 27 Jan
"💖 SeXxY&& PlaYFULL💕 BruNettE BEAUTYY Ready To PLAYY ;) 💗⬅" - 21
(Portland, Gresham Portland Vancouver)
Service Service Service U KNOW 🌟🌟🌟💎🌟🌟🌟 34D The Perfect PlayDolls 🌟🌟 more FUN🌟🌟🌟💎🌟🌟🌟 - 20
(Portland, Portland 🌟🌟 Incall Only)
***sensational* * * exciting*** syryian**syrian princess *** beautiful * * * delicious * * * come ta - 28
Satisfying and Unrushed Time With a Sexy Woman
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, anywhere you want me!)
Sail away with me.. body rubs.$85 HH delight 8 am - 9 pm - 47
(In call/NE Portland airport area, Portland)
° {S ! M P L Y * U N F O R G E T A B L E * TiMe}•: * SPECIALS All Nite Long!! - 20
(Portland, Portland/Surrounding !!IN&OUT;!!)
!!*~* ((( S)) ((=E=)) (( X)) ((=Y=))) BlOnde BABe - 23
(portland/vancouver IN/OUTCALLS)
— _S_U_P_E_R__ ————— *H_O_T_T_I_E_!* -———— _C_L_I_C_K————— * H_E_R_E_* ——— 4————T_H_E————* B_E_S_T - 23
(Portland, Vancouver 205 Incall)
Remember The Last Time You Felt Warm Chills Down Your Spine?.... Try Me, Hawaiian / Portuguese Mix! - 23
(conven ctr incall / outcall all areas)
Reviewed » •*°S W E E T—— •*° ——E X o T i C ——°*•TNA——T R e a T——» 100% me (¯`´¯) AvAiLaBlE nOw - 19
(Portland, PDX Outcall / Lloyd Center Incall)
°o♥o° ___ ALL AMERICAN BRUNETTE ___ °o♥o° ____ ALL NATURAL HOTTIE ____ °o♥o° - 19
{SEXIEST California HoTTie}>only visiting=>>$120 Hhr Incall SPECIAL! - 23
(Portland & Surrounding In / Out)
* ~ SeXXXy * Blonde * w/ the * Best * ASS * U * Have * EVER * Seen * on a * WHITE CHICK!! * ~$100
(82nd & Sandy)
Satisfaction Guaranteed! ❤️ Excellent Reviews! ❤️ Avail Now For OUTCALL! - 19
(Portland, Portland Outcall)
SAT/SUN: A friendly, lovely, & experienced blonde courtesan. Accurate photos, drug free. - 36
(Portland, Westside/Sylvan)
Se x X x y GoDess ~~~ Eurphoric Eurtopia ( petite 109lbs) Perfection ~~ Great Reviews 24/7 - 27
(vanc, dwntwn pdx, beavrtn, pdx airport)
{S H E' S} __ (A) __ *J A W* __ (D R O P P E R) __ *W I T H* A_ [N A U G H T Y] __ *S I D E - 21
(Portland, outcalls everywhere)
~S E X Y♥♡♥♡ B L O N D E ♥♡♥♡ 32DD ♥♡♥♡ B O M B S H E L L♡♥♡♥ Incall / Outcall - 25
(Portland, Gresham Vancouver Beaverton Hillsboro)
💎resbaladizo cuando está mojado cielo envió!💎80Rose 🌹🌹 Cute&Sassy;💎 - 21
(Portland, vancouver incall only)
—💜—»[ 💯% REAl ! ]»—💛—»[ * tHE PERfECt tREAt * ] 💜—» [CAll NOW] 💛ALL 💜DAY_ALL NIGHT💛CleAN 💜 Hot Fun💛 - 24
(Portland, Portland, Beaverton, Vancouver)
💯Real 💯Better then HER🔺And HER🔻come gettaway with me!🔥🌊 - 30
(Portland, Portland vancouver metro area)
» ╚» ♥ SeXxi BLONDE ((ExXxTreMLy -HoTT)) ♥ «╝ HaNdS DoWN -- ThE VeRy BeSt - 21
(Upscale Portland Incall/Outcall)
SEXI playmate, SMART wit an OUTSTANDING BODY!! Hi guys I'm stacy CALL ME!! - 23
(Portland, All of Portland (OutCalls ONLY))
★★★ Sexiest Blonde In Washington! ★★★ Upscale Lady ★★★ Sasha The Sweetheart!! - 22
(Portland, Incall Downtown Vancouver Mill Plain& I5)
SEDUCTIVE!.. EXOTIC!.. AND OUT OF THIS WORLD!... 180/, 971-285-6773 - 26
Sassy Monday FUN Nite💥💋 BUSTY EBONY💋 Fetish Friendly 😘 $100 Specials All Day💞 💖 IN•Outcall 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 - 23
(Portland, Gresham/Portland/Beaverton Outcalls)
.* Satisfaction Awaits You *. REAL PHOTOS .* amazing talents *. ULTIMATE PACKAGE .* 971-273-9385 *. - 19
(Portland, pdx - vanc. - gresham.)
===S I M P L Y== ♥ ==B E A UT I F U L=== (Beaverton, Salem,Troutdale & Vancouver!) - 20
+-:¦:-+ _ __S_E_X _Y •-:¦:-•__ H_O_T_T_I_E _____A _____ M_U_S_T_ • •__ S_E_E ___ +-:¦:-+ - 24
(Portland, Airport)
~*~ {*S} ~*~ {*E} ~*~ {*D} ~*~ {*U} ~*~ {*C} ~*~ {*T} ~*~ {*I } ~*~ {*O} ~*~ {*N} ~*~ - 22
(PDX Area)
~ Rose Rachel :****** Repeat Gentlemen Only:Older mature Woman AND FRIEND THIS WEEK***** - 57
(Portland, ParkRose Incall)
Real-life model seeks to fulfill YOUR fantasies! 😏😘 Visiting! DON'T miss out!! 😱 - 21
(Downtown, Beaverton, Portland)
~*~ * *~* *~* ~* ~*~ *~**~~* ~*~ *~Red Ready 2 Play! ;) *~*~ *~* ~*~ *~*~ *~* ~*~ *~* - 27
*Real Girl* ((( 1OO INCALL ALL DAY ))) *Real Service* - 28
(Portland, Portland-->Available When You Are)
ツready WILLING and alaways here to PLEASE your every NEED ツ in/outcall - 20
(Portland, portland incall outcalls anywhere)
❤️❤️❤️ Ready For An Amazing Experience With A Fun Filled Hawaiian Girl? - A M I N A !! Call Now - 22
(Portland, Portland (Out Call))
♥♥》》Ready for you, Lets Play♥♥ Incalls & Outcalls》》》♥♥♥ - 21
(Portland, sw, nw, vancouver, wherever you want me)
★READY NOW❤UP LATE Incall❤Stay, Play, Be Spoiled AAA+ Reviews❤NO CASH? I Have Options❤2064608402 - 43
(151st & Burnside, Portland)
•-:¦:-• READY to GIVE u WHAT u DESERVE 100$ Specials •-:¦:-• - 22
(Salem, my bed or yours. NE Salem)
☆☆ Sexii Lexii; Amazing, Cute, REDHEAD [[SPECiALS]]!☆☆ - 19
(Portland, Convention Center / Portland)
Sexi N Sweet Lil' HOLLY - Young New in Town Brunette - New Pics; LOWEST SPECIAL EVER 100 - 22
(Portland, Vancouver-Portland)
......SEXI, AN READY TO PLAY...... Give me a call ill be waiting ALL NIGHT!! Tigard special!! - 20
(Portland, All of Portland (InCalls & OutCalls))
SeDuCtIvLy SaTiSfyInG, ExTrEmElY InToXiCaTiNg, ExOtIc AdDiCtIoN, LeT mE b Ur PrEsEnT - 29
(Portland, Pdx, Gresham, surrounding areas)
School is out... But I can still teach you a few things! Come to Summer ***Luv School*** BBW *100* - 47