Sat 04 Jan
▬🎀✨•C A N ' T •-:¦:-• G E T •-:¦:-• A N Y •-:¦:-• B E T T E R • 💗✨▬ 🎀✨ⓈⓀⒾⓁ - 25
(Portland, Portland area)
⏩⭐SeNsUaL💋SwEEt HeaRt💋⭐❤ aIMiNg⭐2 PLEASE💋 💯% satisfaction GUARANTEED👍!!® - 24
(Portland, Portland surrounding areas)
Yummy BRUNETTE perfect new Temp Girlfriend !.! { $100 Special }::: G_O_R_G_E_O_U_S ::: - 23
(Portland, {$100 OUTCALL SPECIAL} Pdx-surrounding)
--------------> Young * TIGHT * Wet * BUSTY * Blonde* AVAILABLE 24/7
Your 💗DREAMGIRL💖 Has Just Arrived ✈️ Sensual French-Canadian Mix 🎁💦Amazing BOD - 25
(PDX Airport - Discreet , In/Outcalls, Portland)
Xxtremely SeXy, Kinky, Wild & I Love to do NAUGHTTY Things!! InCall Special $150* 503-309-4178 - 39
(Portland, Portland Pdx Hotel)
Yes I CaN💦call now 40special Your Wi$h🌠 M¥ Comm@nD 🙏 G!RL NxT D00r 💋 seXy N CuRv¥⛲Available Now - 20
(NE Portland incall only, Portland)
Your ultimate relaxation trip to Paris 💋 $80 Special Avalible Now!! 💦👅🍆😘☺️ - 21
(Outcall only, Portland)
💋Your Fantasy Girlfriend 💋 A Visit You WON'T Forget 💦😉 (( Late Nights 🎆 Early Mornings 😘)) - 27
(OUTCALL ONLY 🎀 Motels Preferred, Portland)
XoX __ ☆ GoRgEoUs ( *Hot BrUnEtTe* ) ♥ ExTrA NaUgHtY ( *1OO InCall Specials* ) - 22
(southeast pdx incalls)
Well Reviewed Brunette Bombshell Your Wish Is My Command Visiting Lloyd Center 4/19-4/21 - 38
(Portland, Lake Oswego, Lloyd Center)
O/C **SPECIALS _JuICy_ TaLL_HOT & REaDy FOR You!! Up ALL Night to treat you RIGHT! - 34
(Portland, Portland Metro)
__________ //////////// NO LET DOWNS ///////////// ________ - 24
(Portland, IN or OUT, Anytime.....)
💋*No1 ReQUESTED (BlonDe HOTTiE)*BluE EyEd DoLL*CoMpLeTe KnOcKOuT**Don't MisS Out On Me**💋 - 22
(Portland, Beaverton Incalls)
LeGgs, BooTY, BOoBiEs, ReDHeAdEd FrEaK HeRe 2 MakE YoUr ToEs CuRL!!! 120 SPeCIaL (( LoTs RevIews))) - 37
(Portland, OFF OF 205/ EXIT 28 MILL PLAIN)
☆ KINKY and CREATIVE ** CoLLeGe CuTie Mia ☆ - Specials 130 - 23
(Portland, incalls only 100)
(( Last DAY & NIGHT in LAKE OSWEGO )) ** Let Me Ride U DRY... 150HR !!! - 19
(Portland, ♥ Lake Oswego ♥ /*/ ♥ InCall Only ♥)
★ EXOTIC _ Hottie_ B U S T Y ❤ 38 DDD's ❤❤ ❤Soothing Body Rub ❤ ❤ SENSUAL Full Body TOUCH - 31
(Portland, Upscale se Incall & Hotel Outcall)
ExoTic MiDDle Eastern Brunette incall morning specials 💋💋💋 - 25
(Portland, Portland Incall Clackamas PDX incall)
★•BUSTY • ★☆— T..E..R.. ReViEWeD •☆—(✰ SMoKIN' HoT BoMBSHeLL✰))—★☆ •5-STAR• ★1@@ InCaLL SPECIALS!! - 22
(Portland, Portland Outcall SPeCiaLS ! 1@@hh 1@@hh)
C l i c k H e r e ----------- M i x e d B e a u t y -------- 17OHR !! - 22
(Vancouver Incalls & Outcalls)
C A N . i . C A L L . U . D A D D y ? s e x y . p e t i t e . h a b l o . e s p a n o l .. - 22
(Portland, myplace/yourplace)
))))) Brooke Lee ((((( ** VERY HOT * VERY WET * VERY DEEP ** - 20
(portland and all surounding areas)
••B•R•A•N•D••N •E • W••★█▒█ ☆†Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL €Ð ☆█▒█ ★••B• R• A•N•D••N•E•W•• - 19
(Portland, ☆Upscale Lloyd Center Incall Only☆)
Busty 40DD, SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS playful BRUNETTE - Thick, mature/HOT/ Very Fun/ Friendly - 420 - 42
★A _ Q_U_A_L_I _F_I_E_D ((Blonde_To Leave You )) Mezmorised SPECIAL!!! - 21
(Portland, Incall Portland and surrounding areas!!)
$50 outcall SPECIAL ♥ ——— PERFECT ——— ♥ ——— SEXY ——— ♥ ——— SWEET ——— ♥ ——— EXOTIC——— ♥——— PRINCESS - 23
(Portland, out call special)
50____ [The Naughtiest in town] _______ [Up All Night!] __________ [Ready To Play NOW!] ________ 50 - 21
(Portland, 24 hr I/C SPECIALS START @ 50)
$50 B00BS ������������������������ ���������������������������� �������������������� ����������
Your Guide to Perfect Pleasure: Ocean Wet w/Awesome Head Skills - 28
(Portland, Portland & Surrounding Areas)
🌸AVAILABLE NOW!!🌸 YOUNG & Sexy Latina TS! 36DD👅 100% Real photos & VIDEO!! 🍑🍆💦 - 22
Fri 03 Jan
㊙【REAL PIC&VIDEO;】🔲🔮🎎🍒🔲🔮🎎🍒34E JP & KR 🔲🔮🎎🍒🔲🔮🎎🍒 FREE SHOWER B2B 🔲🔮🎎🍒🔲🔮🎎🍒 ICE 💦FIRE🔥 AMAZING🔲🔮🎎🍒🔲🔮🎎 - 21
(Portland, Sw abernethy/south waterfront/Portland)
Your lifesize ebony Barbie is here accepting cash or creditcard - 18
(Portland, Portland and all surrounding areas)
W E L L - E Q U I P P E D __ W E L L - R E V I E W E D __ E A R L Y _ B I R D _ S P E C I A L S!! - 26
==== i am cindy back to town ,4'8"tall 95 bls 36B .==== think of me ,petite and cute ==== - 30
(SE portland in/out)
hot exotic beauty ready to rock your world!!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, hotel room)
(•♥•)HOT DELICIOUS Little PLAYMATE (•♥•) 5 Star Brunette Kitten (•♥•) - 21
(Portland, Pdx, Beaverton, Gresham)
* ~ ~ ~ ~ * HiGHLY _*_REViEWED * HAWAiiAN_*_ HOTTiE * *** Gentlmens #1 choice!*** - 21
(Upscale incall *SPECiALS* (outcall too))
❶[ GORGEOUS ] ❤ [T_I_G_H_T ] ❤ [ BRUNETTE ]❤[ BOMBSHELL ] SPeCiaLs - 23
(My Secret Oasis I205 {8o~12o~2oo})
Sinfully SeXy Brunette With Dangerous CurVes ~ Ready & Waiting * Upscale * Independent * 100% Real - 38
(* Portland/Vancouver Metro Area *, Portland)
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🍑🎀💄👑 Don't waste your time, indulge in something sweet and sultry. 👑💄🎀🍑🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 - 20
(Portland, Vancouver)
~*~*~ UP ALL NITE ~ I'M BACK at YOUR REQUEST ~*~*~ JUST FOR YOU ???*~*~ ~*~*~*~ *~ *~* - - 25
(Portland, Portland Outcall all areas / vancouver)
_______--- [U_P] --- [A_L_L] --- [N_I_G_H_T] --- & --- [P_R_O_M_T] --- [O_U_T_C_A_L_L] --- _______ - 18
(I Come To You)