Fri 03 Jan
YoUr LaTiNa FaNtAsY GiRlFrIeNd! 19 Yrs. Old! $100 InCaLl SpEcIaL! Safe Downtown Location! - 19
Your New Girlfriend ☆__Sexy Morning Special * Dont be shy! Sexy And Ready! NEW BLONDE LOOK _☆- 24
(Portland, Safe discreet & Outcall ready)
--------------> Young * TIGHT * Wet * BUSTY * Blonde* AVAILABLE 24/7
(Portland, Beaverton, Salem, VW)
💣💥💖YOUR Biggest Addiction😙💥💣💖LATINA➜👀💥 Thick & CURVY😜 💛 🍒JUi🍒🍎CY🍓B🍑🍑TY - - 20
(Milwaukee , Clackmas,Se , Airport, Portland)
💦Young, Busty, and Fun💦🚘 $80 Incall Special!🚘💋SPECIAL RATES!💋 - 22
(Portland, 💋PDX OUTCALL & INCALL💋)
Y E S ★ Your S A T I S F A C T I O N -- is our ULTIMATE G O A L !| - 21
(Portland, airport)
♥♥ Your ATFs Back →☆ Upscale • ADDICTIVE • Exotic #1Choice • 100%REAL ☆→5☆ ExperieNce♥ - 24
(Portland, Portland In&Out;)
Your Blue Eyed Barbie .... ____#1____ TEMP GIRLFRIEND ___ Sexy.. Sweet.. $99 Outcall special - 24
(Portland, Outcall only. PDX,Beav,hills,van,)
((( YouR NEw PlayMates Petite redHeaD Foxy RoXy & EbonY Playtoy DejA!!)) - 23
xXx ThE RoSe CiTy's #1 HoTTeST BuNNy xXx BLonDe TaNNeD & ToNeD xXx ExPeRiEnCe ThE BeST!! xXx - 21
(Portland Upscale Incall/Outcall 2)
Your new local Q-TEE-PIE doing OUTCALLS ! ... ... 2 girls or 1 ... ... ! - 21
Your ★♥♥♥Pebbles★ has arrived! ◆♡Jaw Dropping Skills - 22
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, OutCall)
YouVe SeeN ThE ResT .. NoW TakE A LooK AT BEST .. BoDy2BoDy SPECiALS .. CALL ME - 20
(Portland, PDX iNCaLL • OutCaLLs aLL Over)
YummY * SweeT * JuicY Halloween treat Waiting 4 U . . . - 24
(Portland, Downtown Portland * PDX * Gresham areas)
YoUr LaTiNa FaNtAsY GiRlFrIeNd! 19 Yrs. Old! $125 InCaLl/oUtCaLl SpEcIaL! Safe Downtown Location! - 19
☆___________ Y_O_U_R ☆ P_E_R_F_E_C_T ☆ T_E_M_P *!* G_I_R_L _F_R_I_E_N_D ____________☆ - 24
*-:¦:-* *¨¨**| Y O U R_ D R E A M_ C O M E _ T R U E! **:*-:¦:-* - 19
(portland/vancouver outcall)
(( WoW L(.)(.)K Inside! Up all night with Zena Beaverton incall! - 20
(Portland, Beaverton incalls & out calls)
👻🎃🎉🎃Yummy Halloween Specials 👻🎃🎉🎃 Big Booty Treat 👻🎃🎉🎃 100spcl Mixxed Freak - 21
(Portland, Discrete HWY217 Incall Beaverton (100hh))
Xxtremely SeXy, Kinky, Wild & I Love to do NAUGHTTY Things!! l 1hr. Special $150* 503-309-4178 - 39
(Portland, Sacramento North/ Madison Ave)
💋💋💋💛💛💛 💜💜💜Your Most Desired Mature Companion in Vancouver! 💜💜💜 💛💛💛💋💋💋 - 52
(Portland, Vancouver / Hwy 14 & I-205)
♦ ♦ YouR DaYTiMe DaRLiNG ♦ ♦ a DiaMoND iN THe RouGH! ♦ ♦ BeaTiFuL & BuSTy BBW! ♦ ♦ $PeCiaLs aLWaYs! - 29
(Incall SE Foster/ Outcall Metro, Portland)
(**_______ ** __________ ~ YoU ~ kNoW~ yOu ~NeEd~ ThIs ~ __________ ** __________**) - 26
Xo ☆ ReVeiWeD ( *FLAWLESS BLoNDe* ) ♥ ( *1OO% REAL* ) ☆ __ Xo - 23
(Portland, 205 Airport Incall PDX Outcall)
XxX~*~* (*( BUSTY BLONDE KNOCKOUT )*) *~*~%% GET MORE BANG 4 YOUR BUCK!!!%% ($100 special)XxX - 25
(In/outcall (airport area))
xXx * * * Hot & Ready* * * BLONDE PLAYMATE * * * Wet & Wild Blonde Bombshell * * *
Your Sinfully Stunning Exotic Playmate - Special Tonite! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, anywhere you want me!)
💋Your Fantasy Girlfriend 💋 A Visit You WON'T Forget 💦😉 (( Late Nights 🎆 Early Mornings 😘)) - 27
(OUTCALL ONLY 🎀 Motels Preferred, Portland)
>_______ Y___O___U___R_ *ღ*_D___ R___E___A___M _*ღ* _B___A___B___E_ - 21
(portland & surrounding areas)
* * *WOW* ~ SeXXXy Blonde Barbie w/ the Most AMAZING ASS!!! * Up Late! * $100 In Calls! * ~ NEW! * *
(82nd & Sandy)
*¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* DELICIOUS *¨¨* ×X× *¨¨*BUSTY *¨¨* ×X× *¨¨* BRUNETTE *¨¨* ×X× - 23
XoXoX CALL 503-719-0366 For the time of Your life. ...Very Exotic w green eyes XoXoX - 19
💥TAYLOR BANKs💋 INCALL& OUTCALL💖♡ 100%real pixx....♡【JuiCy . Hola Papi estas listo???? - 28
(Portland, SE Portland and surrounding areas)
💎__ THE __EPITOME __ OF __ CLASS__💎 💋HUMP DAY•HUMP DAY!!💋 let me help you start your day off right! - 29
(Portland, ❤️I/C COUVE, O/C PDX&BEAV;!❤️)
~ ☆ The BEST is back ~ ☆ ☆ ~ Making Fantasies Reality ☆ ~ - 25
(Eugene, Eugene and Surrounding Areas)
*~*ThE dEaL bReAkEr iS bAcK bY pOpUlAr DeMaNd aNd BrOuGhT sOmEtHiNg SwEeT wItH mE*~* - 23
(Portland, Vancouver incall/surr. area outcalls)
💋💕💋💕💋💕 The Freaks Come Out @ Night! 💕 Out calls! 💕💋💕💋💕💋 - 23
(Portland, Vancouver, Portland & Surrounding Areas)
✿ *TOP NOTCH PERFECTION!* ✿ *Slender Brunette Kitten* ✿ Upscale TREAT!! - 22
(*Portland* *Incall/Outcall* ♥)
★Total Knock Out ☆*°★°*☆**REAL FUN☆*°★°*☆** 100% ME ☆* °★°*☆** Well Reviewed - 22
(Portland, Portland all surrounding areas)