Mon 27 Jan
****++ Young Sweet Asian College Girl ****++ Filipina BOMBSHELL Upscale Provider ++**** - 21
(Portland, Portland Metro Area / Vancouver)
Young and spontaneous. Ready to have some fun and fullfill all your wildest dreams (; - 18
(Y_O_U_R ) °°★°° (G_O_N_N_A) °°★°° (L_O_V_E_) °°★°° (M_E_) - 22
xXx YoUnG SeX KiTTen In HeAT! xXx BLonDe, GrEEn EyEs, LoNg LeGs, & A PeRFect BuBBLe BuTT! xXx - 21
(Upscale Convention Center Incall)
Your Ultimate Dream Girl
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
🔹🔹 You HAD The REST , Now Try The B E S T 💋💋 Exotic Asian, MUST 👀👀 🔹🔹 - 22
(Medford, Medford Incalls .)
★*★————_———— ★ Y O U R ★ B E S T ★ K E P T ★ S E C R E T ★ ————_————★★ - 21
-*YouNG &TigHt; ---*=* Beautiful Brunette Model *=*=* ClicK HeRe SeXy Pic'S *=* - 25 - 25
You cant go wrong with this educated RARE TRUE BEAUTY with DD boobies and a beautiful booty! 100hh - 37
(Portland, portland/ vanc &surrounding; areas)
============ ========= Your BODY = by BAILY ============ (( Big BuTT HoTTiE! )) == (( BiG TiTs!! )) - 25
(Portland, (((((( YOUR HOTEL ROOM )))))))
You have read my reviews... now come find out for yourself why they say im the best! - 34
(Portland, portland/vanc and surrunding areas)
.:*♛*:. You deserve the ROYAL treatment .:*♛*:. Beaverton -Tanasbourne - 37
(Beaverton - Hwy 26/185th)
xXx nAuGhTiEsT bRuNeTtE bUnNy xXx FLAWLESS xXx tOp sHeLf pLaYmAtE xXx - 21
(Portland Upscale Incall, Outcalls Too!)
x [ EVERYTHING ] x x [ Y0U'VE ] x x [ WANTED ] x & x [ MORE ] x - 22
(Airport Way Incalls & Outcall All Areas)
~ @ ~ Wild~Exotic ~ Spl@sh ~ Just 4 You.... Sexy beyond Im@gin@tion ! - 20
(close to i-84 and i-205)
.:*♛*:. You deserve the ROYAL treatment .:*♛*:. Beaverton -185th Ave - 37
(Beaverton - Hwy 26/185th)
*~*__ Y__O__U __R __*~*__S __E__X__ X__Y__*~* __L__I__T__ T__L__E__ *~*__ S__E__C __R__E__T __*~ - 22
(Portland, (Beaverton))
XXX Lexi****Limited time 100 SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS !!!!**** Gorgeous Italian Brunette ****XXX - 20
-xXx- FRESH, YOUNG & GORGEOUS BLONDE BARBIE! -xXx- Green Eyed Beauty! Legs 4 Days! -xXx- - 21
(PDX Incall/Outcall!)
x x x x A CENTERFOLD of your VERY OWN!!!! CHECK out the PICTURES!!!! x x x x x - 24
xXx ___ Gorgeous Brunette HOTTIE ___ xXx ___ Perfect From Head 2 Toe! ___ xXx - 21
(Pdx Incall/Outcall)
❤ ❤The Perfect Fantasy❤ ❤Available Now❤ ❤Well Reviewed❤ ❤Blonde Bunny - 24
(Portland, Vancouver Mall Incall & Outcall)
(¯`'·. ·'´¯) The SECRET to a good marriage, is a good MISTRESS (¯`'·.·'´¯) 100 SPECIAL (¯`'·.·'´¯) - 21
ThE BeAuTy YoU DeSiRe WiTh ThE SkiLLs YoU ReQuiRe SeXy CoLLeGe BuNNy - 21
(Downtown Pdx Upscale Incall, Outcall Too)
///______//__ TASTY --- NEW --- TREAT--- IN --- TOWN -- - 22
~*~ TaLL & SeXXy BlOnDe PlAyMaTe ~ 1OO O/C Special ~ INcall / OUTcall ~ - 28
(Portland, Vancouver Portland Longview Kelso)
❤•-:¦:-•✿ S€X¥ B¥ NATUR€✿• •✿•NAughT¥ b¥ CHO!C€ •✿• !*•-:¦:-•*ALL NIGHT SPECIALS - 24
}+}_ ~*~ ::::::: Sweet ::::::: ~*~ Sexy ~*~ ::::::: ~*~ Classy ~*~ ::::::: Discreet :::::::!!
(available/your place out calls)
°♥° sweet Ebony treat °♥° come play with me °♥° 100% REAL PICS - 22
(Portland, Incall se, local outcalls)
Sweet, Mature & Busty - Reliable, Fun and a Real Woman - Beaverton July 3rd to 5th - 51
(Portland, Beaverton)
°Sweet as Heaven but sexy as Hell° SEXY SEDUCTIVE EBONY° 24/7 IN TOWN TONIGHT! - 20
THEE REAL DEAL 1000% A1 Perfectionst ⭐️AVAILABLE NOW 💖incall/ outcall - 21
(Portland, dwntwn, beav, convention, ect)
(¯`'·.¸♔ ¸.·'´¯) The Royal Treatment _ Upscale Blonde °° 💋 Petite 🍌(¯`'·.¸♔ ¸.·'´¯) - 24
(Portland, . SE Myplace)
T!GHT :: ( ♥TENDER♥ ) :: ( ♥FREAKY♥ ) ::young:: ( ♥EXOTIC enticing MIX♥ ):: ( ♥im ready now ♥) - 23
(Portland, you come to me)
Tasty •°♥°• cLasSy •°♥°• All NatUraL bEautY •°♥°• aVaiLabLe nOw To SaTisFy yOuR EVERY nEed♥ hh-70 - 28
(Portland, incall spec $70)
★ Tall, Sensual, Mature REDHEAD- incall in SE Portland- REAL PiCS! $100 Special til 3pm ★ - 37
(Portland, incall 205/stark)