Mon 27 Jan
!CAUTION! ExTRemely Slippery!!! sooo and juicy!!!! so good its like A RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE - 99
(Portland, pdx)
come Play Inside My Treasure's100% Pure Satisfaction clean shaved ebony Late Night Treat Specials - 19
(Portland, airportincall/outcalls)
ו•× COME PLAY WITH THIS ASIAN BARBIE DOLL • incall 5mins from airport/ OC ~hotel √ JubitZ√ 24hrs - 23
(Portland, PDX, ic/oc near airport,hotel friendly)
*•-:¦: CAUTION *•-:¦:-•* YOUR NEW *•-:¦:-•* ADDICTION•*¨¨*• U WILL -:¦:- NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - 24
(Portland, Airport Incalls)
《 ♥Colombiana ♥ Latina Mix Dream Mami 《♥Last Day in BEAVERTON》♥ 》♥ 》♥ - 20
(Beaverton, Beaverton only)
°°__ » COME __ »- (¯`v´¯) -» __ EXPLODE __ »- (¯`v´¯) -» __ IN __»-(¯`v´¯)-»__ ME __»°° - 19
(Incall & Outcall)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* ClAsSy Sweet and OoH so Sexy *¨¨*-:¦:-* SEattle Girl! NeW piX!! - 21
(portland and surrounding areas)
Call Monika !! ƸӜƷ ღ Tired Of Fake Pics Rude Clock Watching Ugly Chics? ღ ƸӜƷ ™ Call Monika !! - 19
(Portland, ☆•Lloyd Center Incall Only•★)
BUSTY volupuous Blonde SPECIAL **** WEST (avail. early-5p) 38DDD's Volupuous Blonde * NEW REVIEWS - 29
(Portland Metro Area)
Chocolate ebony bunny here to treat you fellas incall specials - 20
(Portland, incall/outcall surrounding PDX)
⚠CAUTiON: AMAZiNG Curves Ahead!!! 💋SpECiALS ALL DAy!!! 🍒 JUiCy BOOTy 🍭 - 22
(Portland, Near Airport, Outcalls EVERYWHERE!)
☆★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ☆ CAUTION: Highly Addictive ☆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★☆ - 28
(Portland, Vancouver Mall - Incall)
BUSTY volupuous BLONDE* * ( ( * Monday-Friday 6am-6pm ********* New REVIEWS - 29
★•BUSTY • ★☆— T..E..R.. ReViEWeD •☆—(✰ SMoKIN' HoT BoMBSHeLL✰))—★☆ •5-STAR• ★ IN & OUT Specials!! - 22
(Portland, Portland & Surrounding In/OutCalls.)
Chocolate Gift Dip in My Chocolate Hot & Warm Have Me In Your Bed Kinky and Ready to Please U - 19
(Portland, Outcall Only)
CLaSSy BloNde FrEaK HaS A SpEcIaL ThAt WiLL SeT YoUr FiReWRkS OfF!! ((( 120 InCaLL SpEcIaL)) ) - 37
(Portland, OFF OF 205/ EXIT 36 VANCOUVER/ 5/EXIT 7)
Classy ** Chocolate** Creamy** Limited Time Specials, 36DD's Nice Round Azz! :) Naomi - 22
(Portland, Clackamas incalls all pdx incall)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION *¨¨* UNRUSHED-:¦: ALL AROUND 100 Special - 22
(Portland, pdx airport /)
C0NVENTI0N CENTER CUTIE ((Let's Make Your Dreams A Reality)) SPECIALS!!! - 23
(Portland, Convention Center Incall OPEN ALL DAY)
Busty Beautiful Ready to Start your weekend off right :) - 20
(Portland, Portland & Surrrounding areas)
♥»CALL NOW❤♥S.M.∅.K.i.N.G. ❤ H∅† & WeLL ReViEwED ✈BIG BOOTY♥ EbOnY LoVeRs #1 PiCk♥UPLATE♥ - 25
__________ CLASSY __________ SEXY __________ EXOTIC Barbie __________ xoxo - 22
(Portland, lloyd district)
BUSTY *BBW MODEL ***** AVAIL MON-FRI ******** *Early morning ******** until; 6pm* ALL Day - 29
❤️ BUSTY__ BOMBSHELL ____ AVAILABLE ____ NOW ___💦 👄 vancouver in/out - 28
(Portland, vancouver in/out)
———— [[Brand New]] ————— [[VISITING & READY FOR SOME FUN!!]] ————— [[HOT! HOT! HOT! specials]] ————— - 22
(Portland, Incall / Everywhere outcall)
---❤❤❤ BUSTY ❤❤❤ FANTASTIC ❤ Body Rub ❤ by Skilled ❤ Erotic Bombshell ❤❤❤ - 31
(Portland, Pdx Incall & Hotel Outcall)
Blue eyed Beauty ready too have fun tonight...... At your front door in s *503-388-2824* - 23
(Portland, Pdx beav hills $99 special)
Blue eyes ******* SPECIAL ******* SEXY CURVY& Petite! TALENTED BEAUTY! **Steamy Reviews** (PORTLAND) - 20
*C L A S S Y* *B E A U T I F U L* *E X O T I C* * - 23
(Portland, outcall -incalls D.T. Portland)
☆ BuSTy, SWeeT, PeTiTe! THe PeRFeCT PLuS-SiZe TReaT! ☆ uP LaTe & aLWayS ReaDy 2 PLay!! ☆ 75 $pecial! - 29
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ BOMB SHELL ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤CURVY ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ SEXY ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ SWEET ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ STUNNING❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ - 20
(Portland, Portland & Surrounding areas)
> Bombshell ~~~~~ Great Reveiws! ~~~~ (Petitte 109lbs) To HoT 2 Handle DWNTWN Outcall special - 27
(metro pdx & surrounding areas vanc, hil)
__C_L_O_S_E__ __Y_O_U_R__ __E_Y_E_S__ : __O_P_E_N__ __Y_O_U_R__ __M_O_U_T_H__ & ~enjoy me!!!~ - 28
(Portland, pdx & surrounding areas)
✿•*¨♥¨*•BuStY BLONDE BABYD✪LL ★ GirL neXt DOor ★ G✪RGE✪US •*¨♥¨*•✿ $100 Specials! - - 24
(Eugene, Eugene ,Springfield. incall outcall)
California Busty Brunnett filipina mixed DDS LAYLA/UPSCALE 120 SPECIAL/100%REAL PICS - 25
(Portland, portland airport area)
Busty Ebony goddess w/ private incall up all night availability🍀100% real pics♥specials - 23
(Southeast Portland, Se Burnside)
BiG --HUGE--FULL -34DDs --Blonde --BUSTY -BEAUTY -34DDs 100 SPECIAL 100 Special 100 SPECIAL - 24
(100$ special INCALL I 205 MALL OUTCALL)
BiG TiTs 👅JuiCy CaKeS🍦971/276/2794💋 KiSSaBle CuTie ✔100% Me !!! - 21
(Hablo Espanol/ 80QV 100HH O/C SPECIALS, Portland)
!*¡*BLoNDe + NewPi¢$! BBW×Boot¥!! ReAd¥ nOw! #1•$uK3r•MoM=100℅ $@tisfaction Gu@rantEeD!! 503902799O - 31
(Portland, Portland in/outcall 2 surrounding areas)
💋❤️ BLONDE • BUBBLY • HORNY! ❤️💋 Reviewed & Verified!💋 100% real HOT BLONDE!💋 In/out! 80QV! - 26
(Portland, ❤️ PDX AIRPORT IN/OUT ❤️)
🍭🌹💋 blonde cutie. Nice 👀 boobs n booty 👄💦💦💥 reliable real lady 🌟 all u need!1oo outcall 🍹 - 26
(i c*um to u - Portland and surrounding, Portland)
🔴 BIKINI MODEL ★ 38DDD's Perfect Skilled Touch ★ Sensual BLISS ★ Relaxation ★ Sensual BODY RUBS 🔴 - 31
(Inner SE Portland Incall & hotel outcall, Portland)
🍭🍓BOYS Play With TOYS 🚨 MEN Play With ME!! (( $100 SPECIAL )) Well-Reviewed 🍓🍭 - 26