Mon 27 Jan
(((Pretty Face)))((Sexy Curves))((Rare Asian Look))(((Lets Have Some Naughty Fun!))) - 21
(my place)
(( Play Mate))) madi gra spec. To Hot 2 Handle!!! Centerfold Pdx's #1 city of 150 roses special - 27
(dwn twn pdx vanc happy valley)
~-*-~ PDX'S * FiNeSt -*- BluE * EyeD * HoTTiE * CoMiNg * With * BrOwN* SuGaR* BaBy * YuMMy ~-*-~ - 28
(Portland, PDX)
$$$pecial$$$ **100** donation p/hh &** 150** donation p/hr*** discreet encounters and aval 24/7 - 36
(Portland, vancouvef/ pdx area)
P_E_R_F_E_C_T! __((( PETITE )))__ -- ♥- HOT -♥- SEXY -♥- READY -- - 28
(Portland, Outcalls Portland and surrounding areas)
New to town!! Tigard incalls Miss Angel .B don't miss out! - 22
(Portland, PDX surrounding area outcall)
💍▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ NEW Asian GIRLS arrived in town▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬💍 - 21
(Portland, portland portland downtown)
✈✈NEW BEAUTY IN TOWN✈✈ ❤❤Look No Further❗❗Ex0TiC 💕Curvacious♥ B0mb ❤️Sh3LL💎🍹�👑 $P3CIAL$ ★ - 19
NEW GIRL! SEE NOW**** SuPeR * SeXy * HoT !!!! NeW In ToWn, but LeAviNg toDaY StRawBerrY BLonDeY - 26
**NeW ♥ in ToWn ** PeTiTe ♥ PuertO Rican ♥ Hottie** 100$ SPECIALS** leaving MON - 19
(Portland, Convention center)
—— .N a u g h t y. —— .E b o n y. —— .P l a y m a t e. —— Classy, Talented and Reviewed - 28
(Portland, Incall Specials & Prompt Outcalls)
"MORE JUNK IN THE TRUNK THAN A HONDA" Just nice and Phat!! Available Now! BBW INCALL - 46
(Portland, North Vancouver)
▒ ▓ ▒ ▓ N E W ❥❥ B E A U T I F U L ❥❥ ▒ ▓ H O T T ▒ ▓ ❥❥ L A T I N A ❥❥ P L A Y M A T E ▒ ▓ ▒ ▓ - 20
(Portland, convention center INCALLS / OUTCALLS)
💦Lil midwestern cutie💦😜youll have the time of your life.💣💥dont miss out on this oppurtunity👯🍡 - 23
(Longview and surr. Areas incalls only, Portland)
•.¸ :¦:-•* L€T M€ PL€A§UR€ ★WHÂT ★YØUR €Y€S ★STÂRT€D *•-:¦.•'´¯) - 21
🌸🌹🌸🌹🌸🌹💋💋🍭 LEXXY The Elegant Playmate In Town. Specials Now!🍭🍭💋 (( Incall -Now)). 🌸🌹🌸🌹🌸 - 19
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❤ Japanese Nuru Massage ❤▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❤ INcall Real Photos ❤▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❤ Independent ❤ - 23
(Portland, Portland by Airport)
♥♥~~~im open mined always ready for new things,,,,,,up all night call me babi~~♥♥ - 25
(Portland, pdx incall/outcall)
Hey BABY it's your go to GLAMOURE girl! SoOOO if you are looking for a TOP NOTCH GIRL - 23
(Portland, In out)
♡ 💋HoT SeXy BlOnDe♡ bOoTyLiCiOuS ♡ CuTe FaCe ♡ LiTtLe WaIsT ♡ Hot Playmate Available Anytime💋 - 23
(Portland, 💋I/C-136 division-O/C Hotel friendly💋)
(( H O T )) *DeLiciOuS* ___ { BuSTy } ___ :B L O N D E: ___ {= ___ =AvAiLBLe now =} _____ W(o)W - 24
(Portland, My PLace In my BEd ;))
GirlFriend #2 Lookin 4 Some1 2 Hang Wit Click Here To C Whats Waitin On U! 3607711183 CANDY - 23
(Portland, Portland surrounding areas in & outcall)
EvErYtHiNg ____ YoU ____ DeSiRe____ Is ____ RiGhT ____ HeRe!!! ----->> °·° INCALL SPECIALS °·° - 28
★*° D EFINITI ON °*OF*° SEXX XY - -:¦: 99$ special 99$special
(Portland, Beaverton incalls)
______CURVY_ _ _ _ _ BUSTY _ _ _ _ YUMMY BLONDE _ _ _ __ _ _ THICK _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 26
(beaverton/ Hillsboro)
💋_💋_💋_C♡ME see_WHAT Y♡U_have been_MiSSiNG_💋_💋_💋_ - 22
(Portland, Tigard Incall , All Surrouding Areas)
♥Pretty & Petite, sexy and sweet All American Girl who wants to come see u tonight ♥ - 23
(Portland, Rose city (portland))
A Lil Bit Classy, A Lil Bit SaSSy! ....And Always Ready To Be A Lil Bit Nasty!$1OO Special
(SouThEasT InCaLL OuTCaLL Too)
NEW IN LAKE O..$80 an hour incall. Hott Latina beuty! - 19
(Portland, Lake Oswego - my place or yours)
❤❤❤70hhr 100fh Specials💍 G▒O▒R▒G▒E▒O▒U▒S ► ßUSTY 48 DDD❤❤❤❤ MIXXED (( GODDESS)) Available Now! !!!!! - 23
(Portland, BEAVERTON/SW PDX/HWY26 & 217(( INCALL)))
(¯`'•.¸° BEST ASIANS GIRSL IN TOWN• =|| MUST SEE! |= • @ SHANGRI LA SPA ! °•°• .¸°¯`) - 25
(East Oregon, 437 BERNARD ST. BILLINGS MT)
N€₩➜➜ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ° EXØTiC BABE👅💦👄 [[B!G B00TY]] 👅💦👄 KiLLER BODY • T!GHT & TH!CK 🎀 ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ 5038868633 - 20
(NEW @ SOUTH PORTLAND 🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀, Portland)
★★★★★★ New! New! New! ★★★★★★ NURU MASSAGE ★★★★★★ Body to Body ★★★★★★ Sexy Hot Girl ★★★★★★ - 21
(downtown Portland, Portland)
LAST DAY In TOWN▬▬★ SEXY BIG 10inch★ ▬▬▬▬★▬▬▬▬ ★ Heavy Loads Of Cream ▬▬▬★ ROCK HARD FF★ LOVE 2 KISS - 21
((PDX AIRPORT), Portland)
You can have this dream girl once in a lifetime experience - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In the city)
((SWEET sExXi BABE== >)) I (( ♥ )) My *JOB*! ((
(Airport Incall & Outcalls)
*SWEET *DISCREET* SEXY*Beautiful *Brunette*All Fantasy's Fulfilled ANYTIME 5035010217 - 30
★ Tall, Sensual, Mature REDHEAD- incall in SE Portland- REAL PiCS! $125 Special ★ - 37
(Portland, incall near airport/outcall avail too)
Sweet, Mature & Busty - Tigard Incall - Till Dec. 24th - Holiday Rates - Fun Too - 51
(Portland, Tigard)
√ SxXy and Swt L@tin@ NIC & BuStY___ *:* _____ ©@ll Me NOW √ - 23
(Portland, INCALL (( Portland )) OUTCALL EvErYwHeRe)