Wed 08 Jan
Visiting (; Avalible now!! ~Hawiian Honey ~♥♡ Weekend Specials ♡♥Call me NOW! - 22
(Portland, IC/OC/ Surrounding areas)
***TRULY FULL BODY MASSAGE & More***PDX's Top Ebony Provider JoBaby is Ready to Go!!! - 26
(Portland, portland metro)
🌇 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🌇 TRY 🌇 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💟 SEXY Asian💟 Tina▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🌇 THE BEST. 🌇 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 22
Ur____ULTImate_ *°*intimate*°*_ ;p¡¡PleaSure!!! - 21
(Portland, .°Incalls °ONLY°specials available.°)
Tightest box AROUND ______ __________ I_Do_what_SHE_ won't ___________ ________#Guaranteed - 24
(Portland, SE portland area incall)
Up Late** NEW PICTURES **☆ Exotic Mixx☆ ★SUPER Fr∈AⓚY★☆ BiG BooTy☆ 36DDD ☆ 100% REALpics ☆ - 21
(Portland, Private Vancouver I205 Incall (100spcl))
______________ #❶ ToP CHoiCE ★ ClAsSY ★ BusTY ★ Curvy ★ Party Girl ★Incall ______________ - 22
(Portland, (( Anywhere in Portland )) (( Outcall )))
U L T I M A T E - Companion - Skills 2 Take u 2 Your Outer LimiTs! ( Bust A Big .! Realpic 109lb - 27
(Vanc dwn twn pdx metro area west hills)
UP ALL NIGHT 5 Star Freak !!EXOTIC’‹ SEXY Ready To Play !! - 23
(Portland, Beaverton Area. Outcalls)
UnFoRgEttAbLe AmAzInG ExPeRiEnCe WiTh tHe BeAuTiFuL GiRl NeXt-DoOr oF YoUr DrEaMs! Hi I'm Stacy!!! - 22
(Portland, All of Portland (OutCalls ONLY))
(*.¸ ♡ ¸.*´.) Up Late?¨`» ¸.*(¸.*´. Let's Play!!! ♡` *.¸) - 23
(Portland, Portland & Vancouver)
Tired of Games and Fakes? Come see ME!😉 100% Real NEW Pics or its FREE!💛💚💋 - 20
(Portland, Vancouver incall ONLY)
Tna Reviewed🔥***JayPrada***🔥 I'm here to Make A StateMent ❤️🍑❤️🍑 Call Me Now - 20
(Portland, Portland / Vancouver)
PETITE ASIAN petite girl ,5'1"tall 36B 100LBS skinny nice and sexy ...... - 28
(Portland, SE portland ,205FWY in/outcall)
-:¦:-*-:¦:- PoRTLaND's #1 BEST! ♥ NaUGhTY ScHoOLGiRL ♥ GoRgEoUs AsS + LoNG LeGs! - 21
((CoNveNTioN CeNTeR) (UpSCaLe) (InCaLL))
PERFECT ➓ *♛ ºUPSCALE¸ ★ (¯`'.¸ ☆¸.'´¯) DREAMGIRL (¯`'.'´¯) - 23
(Portland, Outcalls/Incall)
PDX ........ Favorite ............ #1 ............. WELL Reviewed!!! ......... SPECIALS .......;) - 20
(Portland, PDX incall & outcall)
~-*-~ PDX'S * FiNeSt -*- BluE * EyeD * HoTTiE * CoMiNg * aLL * NigHt * LoNg * 4 * U!! ~-*-~ - 28
(Portland, PDX * I-2 * AIRPORT *)
OUTCALLS NOW!!! ★-» ☏ Specials! ☏ »-★-» ▄❤ B U S T Y❤ ▀▄▀▄❤ S E X Y❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ V I S I T I N G♥ - 21
(Portland, I CAN COME TO U !! MOST AREAS!!!)
Outcall Only ##### NEW! ~~~~ Call Me 971-322-0229 ~~~~ Sexy Asian Girl Cindy ###$$#%% - 21
(Outcall Only, Portland)
•§*• P3RF3CTL¥ P3TiT3 • 3XTR3M3L¥ TANT3D • HiGHL¥ ADDiCTiV3 • #1 CHOiC3 •*§• - 20
(Portland, your place : ))
@######### Outcall Only &*&*&* Natural Busty Korean Yuki *&*&*& Call Me 503-488-5473 ######### - 22
(Outcall Only, Portland)
💃🏻outcall ❤️ Boys play with toys🌡Men play with this 💃🏻💃🏻 pure seduction ✅ available - 28
(Outcall, Portland, Salem)
Outcall Spec Get What You Want ToniTe! Lemme Help U Petite Pretty Ready 2 Please( Eta 30 - 27
(Portland, pdx dwntwn lakeo westhill airport)
✅ outcall ✅ specials L👀K NO FURTHER‼️‼️‼️‼️ Curvy 💦 Unrushed ❤️ Reviews - 28
(Portland, Portland wilsonville, Tigard, Beaverton)
🌟🌟🌟🌟OUTCALLS CALL ME NOW 🍭🍭KIA your New Smoking HoTt playmate 🍦 - 22
(Downtown PDX & Vancouver, Portland)
Petite curvy^^^Latina mix ****Well reviewed ***specials OUTCALLS ALL OVER!!! - 20
(Portland, portland outcall anywhere)
▶▶ ╠╣o t ◀◀ ♔ #1 FREAK ♔ ▶▶ ╠╣o t ◀◀ ☆ 100% REAL PIX☆ ▶▶ ╠╣o t ◀◀ - 21
(Portland, pdx and surrounding areas)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Outcall Only **** Funny Portland **** 971-322-0228 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - 21
(Portland, Outcall Only)
♥ ·.¸.·´¯* P_e_R_f_E_c_T ♥·. .·´¯* P_L_a_Y_ m_a_T_e ♥ ·.¸.·´¯* - 25
·ஜOutcall 140๑¤۩۞ (ŚĔXŶ_ βŶ_ŃĂŤÚŔĔ ¤۩۞۩¤ ŃĂÚĞĤŤŶ_ βŶ_ČĤŐĨČĔ) ¤۩๑ஜ *Avαîlαвlє Nσω * ➜ [NEW PICS] - 24 - 24
(Portland, Anywhere)
★⋘OutcaLl nd ★▬▬▬ AvaiLabLe Fast ARRivaL◆◆◆▬▬▬★Sexy Cute PaRtyĺ GiRL★▬▬◆◆◆No Rush&ViP; service!◆◆◆▬▬★ - 18
(Portland, Portland,or)
@@@@@@@@@@@@ Outcall Only %%%% Sexy Portland Girl %%%%%% 503-488-5473 @@@@@@@@@@@@ - 21
(Portland, Outcall Only)
OUTCALLS! 💎✨_THE _ EPITOME__ OF_ CLASS 💎✨well reviewed, and highly recommended! OUTCALLS ONLY!!call me!! - 29
♥ ·.¸.·´¯* P_e_R_f_E_c_T ♥·. .·´¯* P_L_a_Y_ m_a_T_e ♥ ·.¸.·´¯* - 25
°oஐo° Start Your Week Off With a B.A.N.G. ~封~ Exotic Beauty (( 5★ Specails)) - 21
(Beaverton & surrounding)
Let Me Help You With A Little Of What's Missing In Your Life... - 45
(Portland, Vancouver/I-205@Mill Plain)
~☆☆**Mature Elite Upscale Impeccably Reviewed~Redhead Sensual Kitten~For Mature Men Only**☆☆~ - 50
(Portland, SW Downtown Portland/Downtown Vancouver)
♥ LoLa BuNNy's LaST DaY iN ToWn! ★ SeXxXy SLenDeR BruNeTTe DoLL! ★ FLAWLESS! - 21
Let This CuRvY Goddess Be Your Dir.ty Lil SECRET! I wanna do what SHE'S TO SHY TOO! - 25
(My bed OR yours)
°•❤•°LOOK NO FURTHER!!! °•❤•° This is what U NEED°•❤•° PETITE TREAT°•❤•° - 22
(Portland, MALL 205 IC ONLY!)
_[[[ LAST DAY TO PLAY ]]] * ((( Don't Please Yourself...))) * [[[ ALLOW ME! ]]]__*Real Girl* - 25
(Portland Baby...)
❤•° LET ME BE°•❤•° _ Y.O.U.R _ °•❤•° _ L.i.T.T.L.E _ °•❤•° _ S.E.C.R.E.T! - - 25
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
*_+_* L—E—T *_+_* M—E*_+_* C—A—T—E—R *_+_* T—O *_+_* Y—O—U—R *_+_* E—V—E—R—Y *_+_* N—E—E—D !!*_+_* - 31
(Portland, Incall / outcall up to 30miles)